24| Who's loving who?

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Stretching my arms over my head, I let out a loud yawn before I give myself a couple of seconds before I pack my area up. I traveled to school super early today because I was trying my hardest not to run into Taehyung. It's pretty stupid of me to think I'm going to be successful in avoiding him. It was even stupider of me to allow things between us to happen from the start. 

Sighing, I head over to the cafeteria. The sigh coming from the realization that in there, I would find another person I've been avoiding. I have to be honest though and say that I have completely forgotten about him.

As I connect my eyes with Jungkook, he sits up straighter. I then drop them to the floor as I make my way over to the table he and Krystal are eating at, trying to think about what I'm going to say when I reach them. Knowing Krystal, she's already given Jungkook a talk so I may not have much work to do.

Just before I get there, my phone vibrates to alert me of an incoming text.

Pulling out my phone from my cardigan, I notice a chat message from the app I recently downloaded, the one my new friend recommended I use to talk to him since he didn't have phone service at the moment.

→ JAY-P [10:55am]: Morning~ 

I hope it isn't too soon to message you? 

→ I'm feeling quite nervous, so I'll be going now!

A smile immediately comes onto my face as I go to reply. There's something about how he types that just feels so sweet.

←  [10:55am]: Hi Jay! I'm happy that you messaged me. 

You're turning my bad day into a good one.

→ JAY-P [10:56am]: Am I? You deserve it, hermosa :* 

What do you say we make it a better one by having coffee later?

← YOU [10:56am]: I'd like that. 

I get out of my last class at 1:00pm. 

What time does your last one end?

→ JAY-P [10:57am]: Me muero por querer a verte (I'm dying to see you).

1:00pm works. Let's have coffee at 1:30pm!

I tuck my hair behind my ear. Wanting to translate what he said, but decide I have no time at the moment. Sending him a quick reply, I slip the phone back into my pocket. By this time, Krystal runs over and spring herself in for a hug.

MY STEPBROTHER CAN'T BE MY LOVER | KTH🔞Where stories live. Discover now