chapter 13

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Hailey's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I shut it off for the fourth time and fell back into a peaceful slumber.

I couldn't go to sleep last night with everything on my mind, and right now I was severely regretting it.

Just as I was about to fall back to sleep, the alarm started again. I shot up out of annoyance and grabbed my phone. Just as I was going to shut it off again, I noticed the time.

I had a mere two minutes to get ready before River would be here.

I ran as quick as I could, still half asleep, to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I ran back out into my room and threw on some joggers and a sweatshirt. I looked like an absolute mess. I was just about to go back into the bathroom to try and tame my hair, when I got a phone call. River was calling me most likely to tell me he was outside.

I peeked out through my window and surely enough he was standing outside of his car with his phone to his ear, waiting for me to answer. I stepped away from the window and declined his phone call. I hastily put on some sneakers and ran down stairs. I passed a mirror on the way and almost fainted at my appearance. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head and my eyes still haven't completely opened because I have been awake for a solid three minutes.

I didn't have any time to grab breakfast so I just shot out of the front door and quickly locked it.

Yes! I made it on time. River probably wouldn't have cared to be late, but I would have.

As I turned around to face River, his eyes slightly widened.

"What happened to you?" He said, slightly amused.

I was in no mood for his games right now seeing as I still couldn't form coherent sentences due to my lack of sleep.

"You happened!" Is all I said before I stepped through the car door that River had so graciously opened for me.

I heard him chuckle before rounding the car and getting into the drivers side.

River backed out of my driveway and began the drive to school. Just as we pulled out, I rested my head against the window and quickly fell asleep. I am so tired.


I felt someone touching my face and a faint whisper.

"Hails?" I heard River say, but I was too tired to move.

"Hails, come on we're at school." He said as he was brushing the nest on my head with his fingers.

All I could do was grunt out of frustration and exhaustion.

"I'll let you have my brownie at lunch today if you wake up." River said to me, knowing it would work.

I tried not to give in, but I was already starving due to my lack of breakfast this morning.

I slowly opened my eyes and grunted, "fine."

That's when I realized how close River was. He was leaning over the console and was a couple inches away from my face.

He smiled when I complied and leaned back to his side.

He turned off his car and turned to me, "you ready?"

I nodded and went to open the car door.

We both stepped out of the car and just as he did I saw Heidi rushing over to his car as fast as she could in her six inch heels.

River found my eyes and sadly smiled as if he was sorry about something. I don't know what he would be sorry about but I smiled back at him. Before I could make my way into the school I was met with the death stare of none other than Heidi.

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