Chapter 27

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This one is for EmmaWatson413 who forgot what the plot was about. I hope you remember😃

Hailey's POV

I think River simultaneously glared at every person who looked at us and I admired him for his bravery. I could never.

We finally made it out of the cafeteria and in to the hallway.

River picked up his pace and started walking faster.

Now he was the one guiding me and he was practically running out of the place.

The hallways were completely empty because everyone was in lunch. Thank god.

"River" I said trying to get his attention

He kept walking

I tugged on his hand and said "River" again
He finally stopped walking and turned around so fast I bumped into his chest.

He was breathing heavily and his eyes were wide.

"River you have to calm down."

He pushed his hand through his hair and just kept looking at me

"I can't stand him right now."

"I know but he's your friend, you'll forgive him. He was probably just trying to get a rise out of you."

"He went too far." He huffed in frustration.

"I know" I admitted. He really did. There was no need to basically call River a whore especially in front of a girl who he is supposedly dating. It's not like I care either way. I know who River is and I know what he used to do but he hasn't been doing it lately. Has he?

"He was trying to make me look bad in front of you." River says quietly.

"Well it didn't work. I know who you were, but you've changed. Haven't you?" I decide to rip off the bandaid and just ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks, looking deeply into me.

"Well you're not still, you know, sleeping with Heidi right? Or anyone."'I add for good measure.

He scrunches up his face in disgust, "How could you even ask me that?"

"Well it's not like you haven't before." I add with a little bit of attitude.

It's not that far fetched of me to ask. It's not like I'm accusing him. I'm just curious. I would definitely be livid if he said yes though.

"God Hailey. When would I even find the time? I'm with you all day. I can't believe you right now." He scoffs.

At some point during this whole exchange our hands disconnected and now we're just staring at each other.

I can't believe him right now. He's actually getting heated about me asking this. He can't believe me??

"Why are you getting so mad? I'm not the one who used to sleep with half the school." After the words left my mouth I regretted it.

He face immediately dropped

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I immediately added.

It didn't work. He still looked at me solemnly.

"No it's fine. Why don't you just go back to lunch with Lucas since you two seem to agree on so much." He said and began to turn around.

Oh god. I was still angry at him but now he was angry at me too. I agree, I did take it too far but it was an in the moment kind of thing. He was just so frustrating.

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