Chapter 1

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I woke up from a nap on the couch because someone was knocking on my door. So I grunted and got up just to open it. My mouth dropped.

"Omg long time no see. " I started to cry as I see my boyfriend in an army outfit and hugged him.

"I'm finally done being in the army baby. I'm all yours now. " He hugged me back crying.

"You can come in." I unhugged him as I let him in and closed the door. I don't know how to react instead of crying. Does he expect me to jump on him or something? "I'm happy your back home. I've been working a lot and paying the bills. Dont worry we will go on vacation soon." He put his stuff on the couch as he came to me. Oh no could this be the moment? Cameron got on his knees and pulled out a ring box.

"Jackie Rose Watson your the most prettiest girl Ive ever been with. For the past 5 years of my life with you has been amazing. I wanna grow old with you and want to die with you. You've been always there for me since day 1 and I was too for you. You mean everything to me alot Jackie. I love waking up to you making breakfast and love seeing you smile everytime I wake up next to you. Will you do the honor and be my wife and marry me?" I started crying again.

"Yes I will marry you."

"Omg no way." He slipped the ring on my finger threw the box down and got up to hug me. Can this day get any better? Then the door flung open as my parents and my family came in.

"Your home!!" Some of them gasped.

"Did you just....propose to her?" My mom asked.

"Yes I did Mrs.Watson."

"Jackie what did you say?" I went quiet.

"Did you say yes?" My brother said as Cameron put me down and I looked at all of them with my wet face.

"And what if I did say yes? Which I did." Everyone's mouth opened.

"Omg congrats." My sister came to me and hugged me then everyone followed along. I knew Cameron since I was 2yrs old. If it wasn't for my mom meeting his mother me and him wouldn't be together as we speak.

"I'm so proud of you." My mom said.

"Cameron make sure you take good care of her and never file for a divorce since y'all never got into a argument. Please don't."

"Nah trust me I will never hurt my princess." I went over to Cameron and hugged him.

"I'm happy for you guys." My brother said.

"Thank you."

"Anytime sir." He saluted to Cameron.

"What should we do now?" I asked everyone.

"Idk but I brought stuff with me. No kids here right?" It went quiet so it's a no.

"Follow me then." Cameron's mom pulled him away from me and I went into the kitchen with the rest of my family. My aunt had champagne so I went into the cabinet to get cups.

"How many people Cam?"

"25." Not really a lot. Wait how did they all know he proposed to me? Unless they came to see Cameron cuz he came back from the war.

"Wait how old are you guys again?" My uncle asked.

"We both are 20 uncle Jeremy." I placed the cups on the island and my aunt Melissa poured the champagne into the cups. "Everyone dig in." I grabbed a cup and took a sip. Then Cameron and his mother came in to take a cup.

"Cheers to Cameron and Jackie." Cling! We all did cheers. Cameron came behind me and hugged me.

"You alright?" He whispered.

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