Chapter 16

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My heart was racing when I opened the door. Sam was standing right in front the door with flowers and dunkin ice coffee. 

"What are you doing here?" I started to happy cry and I hugged him.

"Visiting you all week. I dropped off my clothes at your house." He hugged me back.

"You can come in." Mateo suggested. We waddled into the room as he settled eveything down.

"I want to talk to you privately Jackie." We unhugged as he put the flowers and ice coffee down as we went on the patio. "So what happened with you and Cameron?" He grabbed my hands in sorry.

"So I was otp with Tanner and he came in. Tanner came to visit me and gave me a gift. Cameron layed beside me telling me he got Olivia pregnant and all this time he was sleeping with her. He would tell me yeah I'm staying over my mothers for the week and all that time he was with her. Don't worry Tanner proposed to me before we both went into the airport. So I'm engaged to my beloving best friend." I smiled while wiping the tears off my face as Sam engulfed me into a big hug.

"I'm sorry to hear but happy now that your happy. I'm proud of you girl. At least now you found happiness. Yes me and Tanner get along, I think you know that. I love that dude." Tanner disturbed us as Sam unhugged me and he sat in my lap.

"You okay?" He asked me when he kissed the top of my head.

"Yes I told him about what happened with Cam and now I'm more happy that your both here. And wait how did you know where the hotel was?"

"Your map on snapchat cuz it told me where you were." I facepalmed myself.

"I'm stupid."

"No your not. And the thing for the giveaway, I had to reschedule it because the weather we getting in temecula is rain so I decided to go bowling."

"That's fine. And I wanna go to the beach babe."

"We can. Everyone get your bathing suit on cuzwe are going to the beach!" He got off my lap to everyone to change.

"Well Tanner is in a good mood. Haven't seen his skinny ass in a long time since the carnival back in 2016."

"Yeah shit has changed and it's bean better. We better go change before he jumps on us like monkeys." I got up to leave the patio, found my suitcase looked for my bathing suit and went into the bathroom. I stripped all my clothes off to put my bathing suit on as I checked every shaved area, clean and no hair. Good I dont have to shave. So I grabbed my clothes to leave the bathroom, all eyes went on me as I ran to my suitcase throwing my clothes in a plastic bag and I went to the table to take a sip from the drink Sam got me.

"Does everyone have a beach bag? Cuz there is a store down on the 1st floor that sells beach bags." Tanner said.

"Yo Jay wanna share a bag?" Mateo asked Jay.

"Sure bro."

"You need one Sam?"

"Nah I got one."  I packed my beach bag as I felt warm hands around my waist.

"Wait Sam you have your own room,right?"

"Yeah. You see that door right there?" He pointed to a odd looking door. "We have conjoined rooms meaning I can come in any time."

"Oh lit. I never seen that before."  I looked over at everyone and they were still working on their bags. Tanner tickled me as I dropped to the floor laughing my ass off until I looked over to my left seeing Mateo pulling out a water gun and aimed at Tanner.

"Yo Tanner look at me." Tanner stopped to look at Mateo as I escaped him to grab my bag and run outta the room. Mateo squirted Tanner BIG TIME. I heard footsteps following.

"Jackie slow down!" Sam and Jay screamed so I slowed down for them.

"You guys have a key?" I asked.

"Yeah I do." Jay said as we all gained our breath back.

"Why does he always do that?"

"I have no clue. We better get to the beach before he gets to us."

"But we need an umbrella though cuz I burn easily."

"I believe the store has one hopefully. Cross your fingers."

"Lets go!" Sam grabbed my hand as we all ran to the elevator. I heard Tanner and Mateo running as I quickly hit the 1st floor button.

"No no." Both of them somehow came in the elevator before the door closed slowly.

"Fuck." Sam said.

"Haha the door was slow cuz I made it slow when you and Sam were outside." Tanner said as he invaded my space.

"Don't you dare suffocate me baby." I pinched his leg and he jumped.

"Ow why did you pinch me?"

"Because I can."

"Come here I wanna hug you."

"How when your in my space?" He let me have my space so I hugged him as it told us we were on the first floor and I poked my head up to kiss him. His lips tasted like ice coffee. Hmm. "Did you drink my coffee before you left to catch up to us?"

"Maybe yes." He kissed my forehead before went got out of the elevator to find the store. "Yes I did babe why would I lie to you?"

"Idk." He put his arm around me while I had my bag on my left arm.

"The store is this way." Tanner walked towards the store. I have sunscreen, towels, back up clothes, deodorant, brush, sunglasses, shoes, money and ofc my favorite hat.

"What do we need?"

"Umbrella, blanket for us to sit on and of course snacks and drinks."

"I have the cooler my dudes." Mateo rolled out a cooler.

"We need ice guys." I walked with Tanner to the ice cooler and he grabbed a pack of ice. "You want anything?" I whispered in his ear.

"I want you." He whispered back as he kissed my cheek, walked around to see what we wanted to eat or drink.

"Same here." I put my head on his shoulder. I saw Chick- O sticks so I immediately grabbed them and I let Tanner look. "Ima go look at the drinks babes. What do you want?"

"Red bull."

"Alright." I kissed his cheek one more time as I made my way to the drink area until I saw......

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