Chapter 11

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I turn on the buggie and took off within 20 seconds. Tanner was holding on tight as I went fast.


"I STARTED WHEN I WAS 10 YEARS OLD! WHY ARE YOU SCARED?!" I went flying over a big hill and did doughnuts. Then, I got out letting Tanner drive as he grabbed for my hand so I intertwined yet again.

"IM NOT ANYMORE SINCE IM DRIVING MISSY!" I seen Zay and Taylor drive so I smiled. I hope Zay flips it over cuz he doesn't know how to drive and a few minutes later it flipped. Knew it! I had a nice big grin on my face as Tanner turned around to go see Zay and Taylor.

"You guys alright?" Everyone came over helping them out of the buggie and checking them.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just bleeding alittle on my head." Taylor said tryna get Tanner to help her but Carl did instead. Tanner looked at me with a little grin.

"Did you plan this?" He whispered.

"No but I knew this was coming. I didn't wish this it happened." I whispered back. Zay was bleeding on his cheek as Tanner got out to see Zay and helped him as I stayed in the car. I didn't think Zay was gonna get hurt I wanted Taylor. What the fuck. I did or should I say my mind gone fucked up. I just sat in the buggie with my head down and didn't bother looking up.

"You alright babe?" Tanner came to my side of the door as he touched my hand.

"I wanna go home already baby. I don't wanna be here."

"Alright I'll tell the guys we will go out to eat." He left so he can tell the boys. I don't know what's going through my mind RN. Why its going wild and thinking crazy. My birthday is tomorrow and I still don't know what I wanna do. Tanner came back in as we took off back to the car, he shut off the buggie as we both got out and went into the raptor. "So what's wrong babe?"

"I didn't want Zay hurt I wanted Taylor hurt. But IMA let it slide."

"I don't blame you Taylor is just a bitch. Anyways where do you wanna go?" He holded my hand and I cuddled up on the seat.

"The diner." He turned on my favorite song as I began to sing along with it and he gripped my hand tighter. "How far is it from everyone?"

"Like about 20 minutes away."

"Not bad."My hands started to sweat big time and he looked at me.

"But listen I wanna talk to you about something. Don't worry its nothing that bad. I can feel you sweating. It might be a big thing for you to think about even though you were in this situation. I'll ask you when we get to the diner." Thoughts rolled through my mind. Is he gonna propose to me at the diner? I'm scared shitless. My heart started to pump faster yet again and I leaned up in the seat looking out the window. "You okay?"

"Yeah why?" He gripped my hand.

"I'm just wondering cuz your sweating like crazy and something is bothering you."

"What your going to tell me at the diner. So I'm going crazy."

"Its nothing bad. I'm not marrying you or anything. I wanna wait 5 years from now. If not tell me if you wanna get married early I'll totally understand. Your my best friend and its gonna be like 4% weird for us but your someone who I've been looking for this whole time but you were just with Cameron and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Look we are both happy for once. I haven't seen you since you left Cali and I was lonely as fuck even though I had my boys. I'm glad your here baby." I leaned over to kiss him as he kissed me back and I rubbed my nose against his.

"Aww you melt my heart once again. And I'm glad that I'm here as well. I will certainly have the best life with you. So far it started out perfect and still is." We arrived to the diner as he parked in a spot, quickly turned the car off as he ran over to my side to open the door and I got out. "Thanks handsome." He shut the door while I waited for him and went in.

"How many?" The hostess said.


"Okay right this way." Tanner holded my hand as well walked behind the hostess. "Your waitress will be with you in a few." I sat down as well as Tanner sat across from me as the hostess gave us menus.

"Thank you." I smiled as my eyes went to Tanner.

"What?" A little laugh came outta me and he shot me a grin.

"Nothing but I wanna talk to you about what I said in the car. Tomorrow is your birthday and I'm taking you out to Hawaii for a whole week. Yes I know its crazy but I would do anything for you. The guys are coming but my mom is watching Kiki. Don't be mad at me that I did this and oh by the way when we get home from picking them up we have to pack and go to the airport.  My dad is watching Kiki for now when my mom takes us to the airport." My left eye shed a tear as quickly leaned over the table to give him a kiss.

"Thank you so freaking much! I didn't expect this to happen. I love you!" I sat back down as the waitress came over.

"Hello my name is Faith and I'll be taking care of you. What would you guys like to drink?" I gave a quick shot at Tanner.

"2 Shirley temples no alcohol."

"Okay. Do you guys need time to figure out what you want?"

"Nope. We both would like to have chicken parmesan with penne pasta light on the sauce."

"Okay. I will gladly take this order and put it in for you."

"Thank you!" She walked towards the back as my phone rang and I picked it up.


"Hi Jackie. Where are you?"

"At the diner why?"

"Well Taylor is going to the hospital and the boys are coming to the diner. Noone wanted to stay with her."

"Okay that's fine. Who's this anyways?"


"Oh gotchu. Ill see you in alittle." I hung up and put my phone down. "Mateo and the boys are on their way cuz Taylor is at the hospital and I'm guessing Zay is fine. Noone wanted to stay with Taylor."

"Good leave her at the hospital by herself. No one likes her anyways. So how do you like my surprise?"

"I love it. I didn't expect it at all." We were holding hands as I went through Instagram on my phone. Alot of tagging of me and Tanner saying we should get together. So I took a photo without Tanner looking and posted it on my story.

"On a date kinda nervous😍 @tannerfox." Than so many people texted me asking if we were dating, I didn't lie and told them the truth that we are. Everyone was happy for us as Tanner looked at me.

"What?" I whispered to him.

"My ex girlfriend just sat behind you with her man." His face went pale as I move my hand into his.

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