Chapter 8

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So we arrived to In and Out, Tanner told Maverick what he wanted.

"Look at me." Tanner whispered as I looked at him and he came close to my face then slowly came closer and closer..... lips touched. BAM! My own best friend kissed me! I backed away slowly.

"Do you want any sauce?"

"Nah." Im shocked at what he did.

"You alright?"

"Yea-h." Than,I got the hiccups and looked at my window.

"Aww you got hiccups. That's cute." I blushed and smacked Tanner gently as he grabbed my hand and licked it.

"Eww why did you lick my hand you weirdo." I wiped it on his face and laughed.

"Can we go home now bro." Maverick drove up to the drive thru to pay, waited to get change and went to the other window.

"Why bro?"

"So I can chase her but first lemme eat." He grabbed the food and gave it to Tanner as well drove off back to the house. I can't believe he actually fucking kissed me! Wtf am I gonna do?? What happens if he asks me out? My family won't know or anyone in Florida.

"My birthday is Friday so you guys know." I looked on my phone and it was 10pm.

"You doing an-ything?" Tanner said as he was eating french fries.

"I was suppose to go to Miami for a week but not anymore."

"We can have a party at my house if its okay."

"I won't mind. As long as other people don't come it's just us."

"Well you live here now."

"I'm gladly I do and I can do grocery shopping just lemme know I'll go do it."

"Way to fucking sweet!" Tanner said.

"Don't choke now Tan just continue eating."

"Ight bet." Tanner continued eating and Kiki came on me. I petted her non stop than she layed on me.

"Jesus your getting big girl. Mav did you see what she did?"

"Yeah. She misses you." Maverick said as I looked over to see Tanner done eating,smiling at me.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes I have a problem with you smiling so please stop." I said jokingly.

"Just shut up." I looked at him.

"Excuse me? Is that how you talk to your best friend?"

"Nah I'm kidding. I wouldn't talk to you like that never in a million years."

"Okay good." We arrived to the house and Kiki got up jumped to the passanger seat so I got out.

"Do you need help bro?"

"No I got it but thanks." Tanner got out with his suitcase and In and Out bag. Maverick turned the car off as I waited for Tanner and began walking towards the house. Kiki went running in the yard.

"Hey guys." I saw 4 guys on the couch.

"Hi." The 4 guys said as Tanner came in from behind me.

"My bad I saw you waiting for me. I had to throw the bag out. Lets go in my room."

"Who's this?"

"Im his best friend Jackie."

"We knew each other for 18 years. I forgot to tell you that woops.We have been here for 6 months and shit went on so I forgot. Well shes here now." I went to his room all the way on the left as I got there all my stuff was put away and I sat on his bed.

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