Chapter 6

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I stopped myself as Cameron layed beside me.

"Who are you on the phone with?"

"My mom about vacation." Yet again I feel bad for lying to him even though he pulled my hair this morning and it pissed me off.

"Well anyways I'm always here for you no matter what. I'll let you know when I'm coming down with my boys."

"Okay but thank you though."

"Anytime. Now I have to go to the airport."

"Okay hope to see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and put the picture frame on my dresser.

"Do you wanna talk or what?"

"Yes I do wanna talk to you. It's really important. So I have been hanging out with this one chick before going to the army and I slept with her. I got her pregnant." My heart pounded as I called Tanner quickly.

"Hey where are you?"

"I'm still at the airport. Why what's up?"

"I'm coming something just happened." I went into my walk in closet to grab a suitcase and threw random clothes in as well as shoes.

"Dont you have those mind powers? Bring all your shit to my house. You can sleep with me." Right I forgot those powers. So i listened to Tanner and used my mind to bring all my stuff to Tanner's house and threw the ring as I quickly left my house. I grabbed my car keys and went to my car.

"No Cameron cheated on me. He got a bitch pregnant and slept with her."

"Oh this girl that we use to go to school with and she said something that she was pregnant. Her name was Olivia. That was probably her cuz both of them hanged out 24/7 when your parents wouldnt let you hang with him. She would tell me."

"Wow omg. Get a ticket for me to Cali please I'm begging you. I knew something was up and I hope this wasn't a prank."

"I got you don't worry I'll get you a ticket. And shit like that from him wouldn't be a prank girl. Rachel and Tyler are users. They would want you to pay for everything trust me. You knew me since I was 2 and when did you meet Cameron?"

"At 16 which I regret meeting."

"Yeah you see highschool loves can go wrong and end terribly. I will treat you way better. Waking up to you making breakfast and go crazy in my backyard."

"But I rather trust my best friend I knew for 18 and not 5 years. I am really trustworthy and I wish I never dated this dude ever."

"Its alright you got me and my boys to be around. But anyways where are you?"

"Just got to the airport. Should I bring my car?"

"Yeah just get out and come in than do it. "

"Okay. What airline are you at?"

"Spirit." I shut my car off, got out than alarmed it and wnet into the airport as I used my brain power to move my car to his driveway.

"Okay I just got into the airport and I'm on my way to Spirit."

"Alright I'll be in merch with a bright neon suitcase."

"Okie dokie I'll see you soon." I hung up and quickly found Spirit airline. I had to speed walk to find Tanner as I listened to what outfit and suitcase he had so I kept looking and looking until I found him and walked to him.

"Jackie!! Your here!!" He got up to hug me and ofc I hugged him back even though I saw him 20 mins ago or even less. I got way excited and I started happy crying.

"No stop crying. I don't want noone looking please stop." I moved my head out as he wiped my tears away and he kissed my forehead.

"Okay I'll stop until we go on the airplane. It feels good to be away from someone who did that to me. But he was in the army for a week sraight up WEEK."

"Look your with me now. Your away from that asshole. Let's sit down." We unhugged each other and sat down next to each other. I looked on my phone had 20 miss calls from so many people not even a single text. 5 were from Cameron, 5 from my mom than dad, and Rachel.

"Got alot of missed calls. You ain't gonna answer at least one?"

"Maybe my mom." So I called my mom. Ring..... ring

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Cameron didn't tell you. I was on the phone with Tanner 25 minutes ago Cameron came in and told me he got a bitch pregnant before going in the army and slept with her. So now I'm moving with Tanner. I'm done with Cameron's bullshit. I called off the marriage and threw the ring at him. How about you talk to your favorite boy!"

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. But I'll go talk to him."

"You should since you have been petty lately mom! I'm never coming back home. Florida sucks and Cali doesn't. You wanna know who used me the whole time?"

"Who did?"

"Rachel,Cam,and Tyler. I paid for Chinese food an hour ago and nun of them helped me pay it."

"That's what I told you about being friends with people like that."

"Well isn't your job to tell me what type of people for me to hang with and not let me hang around users. Certainly your job sucks as a mom I'm sorry its true. And how did everyone know that Cam proposed to me? Did he say sum?" I got alil aggravated so Tan holded my hand.

"First off idk why your being mad for? And number 2 he texted everyone but you that he came home." Then, I heard Spirits airline got called.

"Well I got to go. See you in 50 years." I hung up the phone as we both got up and Tanner grabbed his suitcase as we both lined up to go through security. The line was hella long so I just holded on to Tanner as he was rolling his suitcase while moving up every time someone moved up.

"So I gotta teach you how to drive a dirt bike."

"Trust me I know how to. I use to do it with Cameron. And I'll take care of Kiki when you are gone."

"Nah your coming with me. The guys will take care of her. Everywhere I go your coming and I'm keeping you safe. I'm happy I saw you even though I moved away and I miss my best friend. "

"Well I'm here right? I'm living with you silly." Anyways we got to security and he put his suitcase on the conveyor belt so his luggage can get checked. After it was checked he grabbed it as we quickly went to the plane.

"Our seats are 45A and B." We looked for the seats and as we found them Tanner put his suitcase in the safe above me.

"Do you want the window seat?" I asked him.

"You can take it." I sat in the window sit and took my phone out to take pictures.

"So this is your first time going to Cali?"

"Yup and I like being surrounded by palm trees its a turn on don't ask." Tanner put his hand on my thigh and I smiled. I like palm trees cuz if you think about when wind comes in they make a relaxing noise. He looked at me as I looked at him.

"Hold on tight." The pilot announced the rules as 10 minutes later it took off so I holded on to Tanner. I wanna tell him sum but I need to get over Cameron and it's gonna be hard not quite because I can drink red bull with Tan and both of us are hyper than something happens. I continued on how I was gonna ask Tanner this.

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