Chapter 2

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I woke up with Cameron in my arms and smiled. His first night home with his wife from the war. I kissed him on his forehead.

"You up baby?" He moved just to stretch so did I and got up to move the curtain.


"Oh good. Did everyone leave and cleaned up?"

"I don't know I'll check." He got off the bed and went downstairs then I went to the bathroom. Of course I yawned almost fell asleep on the toilet which wasn't smart.

"Nobody's here babe. Where did you go?"

"I'm on the toilet hun. "

"Okay don't fall in." I washed my hands as I left the bathroom and went to Cameron. I hugged him as I kissed him and twirled him around.

"So um your birthday is Friday and today is Wednesday . I have a early surprise for you tomorrow."

"Okay and we have to pack our bags. " He kept kissing me nonstop so I bit his lip and he picked me up.

"Mmm no put me down!! Put me down." He put me down as I went over to my closet to get a suitcase and went to my dresser to get clothes then I went into the bathroom to get what I needed and came back to put the stuff in my suitcase.

"Yo babe wanna get breakfast?"

"Sure but first pack your bag. " I went to get dressed just leaving my suitcase on my bed and picked out a cute outfit. Then, I put it on as I walked back in my room and put mascara on. Cameron looked at me as he came behind me and put his hands on my waist.

"You so warm. Wait we showered yesterday right?"

"Yes baby we did." I turned around and he stared at me so I winked. Then, he backed away to get dressed as I went downstairs. My heart was pounding again fast again. What the hell? Is it my health issues? It was a complete mess in the living room so I went into the kitchen to get the garbage can and went into the living room to clean up. I was mad. How dare my family treat my house like this ugh. Why did Cameron lie to me saying the house was clean when it wasn't. I just kept on cleaning until I was done. Cameron came downstairs.

"Why didn't you tell me the living room was a mess?" I moved the couch against the wall where it should be.

"I didn't check there babe. I'm sorry." He sounded upset. I put the garbage can back in the kitchen and went up to Cameron for a hug.

"It's alright baby. Everyone forgets and plus it was your first night home. I'm the same way too don't worry hun." I pulled my head up just to give him a kiss.

"I'm not mad at you never will be. "

"I love you babe. "

"I love you too." He hugged me tight.

"Your already? "

"Yup just waiting on you. " I unhugged him as I went in my room to get an outfit. I did my makeup again then got what I needed and went downstairs.

"Baby did you lock everything?"

"Yes I did babes. Damn you look good. " He came to me and hugged me so I kissed him.

"Let's eat." I unhugged him as I grabbed the house keys which was connected to my car keys and walked to the front door.

"I'm coming hold up. " Cameron ran into the bathroom. I left the house just to start up my car. Cameron got the keys to the house as well so I didn't have to lock him out. It was nice out so I put the windows down and blasted "Nowadays" by Lil Skies. I put my seatbelt on as I saw Cameron walk out of the house and came in my car.

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