Chapter 6

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I think most of you thought I was regret when I rejected Violet that day. Hah! No freaking way. I'm not regret it and I'm not going to regret it. Come on, she's just a nerd. She wasn't my type of girl at all. But my thought were changed when I met her outside the hotel and outside the pack house that day. She wore those fit clothes that hung tight on her body and showing her over sized boobs. Well, not over sized, but it wasn't normal for 16th years old teen girl. And her clothes were changed when we met at the pack house. She was wearing a man shirt! It couldn't be that man, right?  

And this morning, when I called her, I definitely heard a man's moaning! What is she?! A slut?! I should stop screaming! "It's your fault." Daryl, my wolf said. "Shut up. I will prove to her that I was better than that man." I growled. 

When I was about to leave the school, a tiny hand wrapped my arm. "Where are you going?" Jessisca, my girlfriend, well, my sex toy, asked me in her slutty voice. 

"I got something to do." I said in cold voice. 

"Then take me with you. I can help you." She said as she's playing with my shirt's collar. I try to shove her away but my tiny little brain think of something smart for the first time. Hey, I didn't call myself an idiot. 

A journey to Flownn Jerealz will take hours or a day. I can use Jess during the trip, and use her to make Violet jealous. She always did. 

"Pack your clothes. We will going to Flownn Jerealz." I said and an annoying squealed that escaped her mouth was really annoying. I wish I could survive during this trip. 



Yesterday's news was a shocked for the entire of Midnight Moon Pack. Davy, Alpha Xavier's son, and Violet's mate was beaten by Violet new boyfriend?! I didn't believe any of the rumors but Alpha Xavier said that by himself. I don't know what feeling should I feel, joy? Why should i feel happy? Proud? Of what? Maybe I was proud that Violet had grown up that she didn't even need me to comfort her at night and tell her that 'there is no monster under the bed' anymore. Violet is an innocence kid. 

I should have protect her from Davy and other kids that bully her. But I didn't and she didn't want me to worry about it. I tried to change her personality and make her hot at the school. But she doesn't like it. I don't know what she's thinking. 

"Ri, it's true." Zack told me between his breath. 

"Why are you running?" I asked him coldly. I'm not in mood. 

"I was looking for you. By the way, V-" He said as he trying to catch his breath. I think he got a serious asthma. 

"Relax. We have 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can take your time." I said and patted his back. I don't want him to die here and the cause of his death is wanted to tell me a shocking gossips. Zack relax a bit and clear his throat. 

"Violet and Randy is dating." He said calmly but he trying to hide his excitement. My eyes widen, I was about to pass out. 

"H-how?" I stuttered. 

"I text to Violet. She wasn't reply when I told her about Randy and Davy got into fight." He squealed like a girl who just discover something stupid. That trait wasn't fit at him at all. I sighed. 

"That doesn't mean it's true." I glared at him. 

"It's true." He said and pick up my phone and type something on it. He then lower the phone so I can hear something. He was too high. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. 

"Shh... Violet is on the phone." He whispered so I shut my mouth. 

"Hello?" A masculine voice said. Zack make a signal to talk to the guy over the phone. 

"Err.. Who's this?" I asked like an innocence little girl. 

"I'm Violet's friend. She was taking a bath. Can I leave a message for you?" His husky voice said. 

"Actually I was Violet's Math teacher. I was worry about her cause she doesn't attend my class today. May I know where are the both of you now?" I asked him in my mature and confident voice. 

"We are... I mean, I was his driver and we were going to Flownn Jerealz because she going to visit her grandpa. He was in critical condition." He said. Zack and I both grinning like an idiot. 

"Okay, thank you, Mr..." 

"Randy." He said and I off the call. Now, we both squealing like a little girl. 

"The new phone number was really helpful. We need to tell the others." Zack said and pulling my hand towards the cafeteria. As we approach the cafeteria, we looking for our usual seat. Betrish and Red were already there eating like a girl who doesn't eat for months. I wonder how they maintain that fitted body. 

"We have good news." Zack said as we both set ourself opposite them. 

"I hope it's a good one." Betrish murmured under her breath. Sometime we didn't trust Zack. Don't ask why. 

"We were going to Flownn Jerealz during summer!" He screamed a bit. He was too excited. I just grinned to support Zack's plan.

I Hate You, Mate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora