Chapter 12

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I closed the door firmly. Finally! I managed to get out from there. I just wasted my whole night by staying with that idiot. I really didn't want to get back there.

I lean against the door, I can't let her to hurt me like that. I just want to apologize and become her friend. Why did she make it too hard for me?

"Babe? Where did you go last night?" Jessisca walked out the door with those ugly pyjamas.

"Nowhere. Just hanging out with some friends. I'm going to bath." I said and heading to bathroom.

I didn't know what's wrong with her(Violet). Yes, I rejected her and we already agreed to become friends. I can't let my friend staying with some stranger that could be a rapist or killer. Maybe he is a killer. Those punches yesterday weren't hurt at all. It's not hurt. Yeah, it may not scratch an ant at all.

It's really hurt! He make a blue bruises on my right eye! Oh, my adorable face...

I must think of something to make Violet get close to me so I can protect her. Protect her? Sweet... I can be a Superman or Batman. Or an Alpha_man? Whatever. I need to do something to distract her from that guy.

"Babe? You okay? You've been about an hour in there. I can help you with those..." Jessisca said as she knocking the bathroom door. Really? An hour?

I opened the door to let her in and pulled her into my naked torso. I began to kiss her hungrily and lift her onto the sink. She replied my kiss passionately. I pulled away to catch my breath.

"I can't do this." I said in almost whispering and turned away. I grabbed the white towel and wrap it around my hips.

"What? What are you talking about, Dav? Where you going?!"

"I need to meet someone. I have something to do." I said and walked away.

After I dressed, I went out to a nearby Starbucks. Violet was there, alone. She was tapping something on her phone. After ordering my drinks, I went to her seat.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I pointed to a chair which is in front of her. She nodded her head.

"So...Where's your boyfriend?" I asked. Probably this isn't the great question to start a conversation, but that's the only thing that passed my mind.

"He got something to do. He will be back soon." She statted.

"I thought you guys on the 'honeymoon'. He's here for work?"

"There's nothing wrong with work. Besides, we always can meet every night." She smiled. It's annoying.

"Right. Hey, you free tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know yet... W-Why? You asking me for date?" She asked.

"Date? Hahahaha... Yes."

"I... I don't know. That's..."

"Cute?  Sweet? Amazing?" I cut her off.

"No, that's...creepy." She said and look at me like I'm a stranger.

"Come on. It's just a friend date." I activated my cute wolf eyes. (Don't ask what it look like, imagine yourself.)

"I will ask Randy ab-"

"Why did you must asked him? He's not your dad." I cut her off again.

"He will be mad at me if he see me date with you with those candles on the table and vases that full with roses!" She said.

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