Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I had a bad feeling about this. Something was wrong. It's been 3 days we're here and we haven't make any move yet. This job getting harder and harder. We can't just go out there and kill billion of rogues. They came to Flownn Jerealz and acted like others who just want to have fun during summer.

Violet went out with her friends. I think that was the best for her now. She worries too much about the rogues and that jackass. I should stay with her and make her feel better, but I know it doesn't work that way. It's like she was getting worried when she saw my adorable face.

I sat on the couch and stared at the maps in my hand. We were located about miles away from Vladamire's Pack House. Vladamire's pack, the Ocean Forst Pack, were located at the side of the beach. There's two ways to get there. 1, use the beach way, walk into the woods and maybe about an hour I can get there. But Violet doesn't have that speed. She can't waste her strength too much. And 2, we can use the road way from the city. But it will take 2 hours or more.

I put down the maps on the small table in front of me. I can't waste my time anymore, but I can't just go to Ocean Forst Pack and wait for the rogues to attack them. Violet had been caught by some of the rogues at the shopping mall. I'm sure that the rogues were from here.

I reached my phone as it beeping on the table in front of me and make my way to the kitchen. I took out the cold plain water as I look into the text that was sent by my honey.

Violet : I got something.

Me : What is it?

Violet : Rogues. They join a party in some club 2 days later. I heard they said it's a private party among human but they join it.

Me : Do you know where is it?

Violet : Yeah, see you later. Love u, babe.

After reply 'I <3 u 2', I put down my phone on the kitchen bar. I think a crazy idea was popped out in my mind. I need to inform Violet about this, we can't waste more time in here. We can wait for 2 days, but not a month.

The front door was knocking, I make my way to open it. I wonder who is it. It couldn't be Violet. I swung the door opened and saw Davy was standing there and close his eyes tightly.

"Look, I know I was being a jerk that night, and said the cruelest thing to you. I shouldn't spend my night with her. I know you wont accept me as yours and I hope we can start new relationship as a friend." He said.

"You wont slapped me or what?" He asked again when I remained silent. He opened his eyes when he found that he was 'safe'. Future Alpha of the Midnight Moon Pack : scared of being slap.

That jerk widen his eyes when he saw me there. A guy who was passed by there send a knowing look to us. "Good luck, man." The stranger said and walked away.

"Thank you for telling me the truth, I appreciate it." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Where's Violet? What are you doing here?" He asked me in annoyance.

"This is our room, man. Violet's out. I think your apologize is worthless. And its kind of cheesy." I said.

He ignored me and walk into the room. He took a sit on the couch and send me a death glare. Is he going to act like a kid all of the time?

"I think you should give a coffee or tea to a guest." He said.

"I think you should bring your own drinks since your room is next door." I replied and sat down on the couch that near to the TV. I'm not going to sit next to him.

"Drop it. Let's get to the point. I don't really like your two relationship. You shouldn't messed with others mate." He said as he gritted his teeth.

"I don't think she has a mate. She already confirm it that day when her mate rejected her."

"O-kay... She is one of my pack, that's mean she's my family too. You are 34 or something, and she is 16. She can't having sex with you. There's 89% she will get an Aids."

"I really appreaciate your worriness, I'm 20, and I don't have Aids. Maybe you should remind yourself, being a man-whore is kind of dangerous." I said and smile. He forced a smile on his face.  

I don't know how long we've been alone here, but we forced ourself to make a friendly conversation.

"You don't have to worry much about her. As a GREAT boyfriend of her, I can make sure her safety and hapiness." I said and highlight the 'great' word. He flinched at my word but he tried his best to control himself. I like to tease that jerk who hurt my girlfriend too much and make her tears fall.

"As a RESPONSIBLE future Alpha, I have right to worry about my pack." He said.

We talked about the same stuff again and again and try not to lose control. It wasn't that hard.  

He's cool. Maybe he was a jerk, but I can definitely see a jealousy in his eyes. That's mean he had a feeling towards his mate.

I'm sure we can get along.


25 minutes later...

"You such a dick!! I should have kill you that night!!" I shouted.

"You are worthless!! You can't hurt me with those tiny little hands of yours!" He shouted back.

At first, we punched and pushed each other as hard as we could. The living room were like a battle ground right now. When I got more pissed, I let my wolf take over me. I turned to my wolf form and so did Davy. His fur were dark brown while mine were silver.

I stormed to his wolf and pin him down. But he managed to get away. The growls we make may be heard from outside cause I heard some footsteps heading to the door. I didn't care about it. I want to kill him...

"WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE?!" I tensed when I heard a familiar voice, shouting.

This is the time when I should use my little spell to let myself vanish from this room so I don't have to face HER.

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