Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


We arrived at Flownn Jerealz in 4 p.m. We checked-in to the 5 stars hotel. We will be staying few days here. We choose a place that near Vladamire's territory so we can done the spying job easily. 

The room is big and huge. There was a kitchen that placed at the end of the room. The white bar counter were separate the kitchen and the living room. At the left side of living room is a bedroom. The big closet were placed on the right of the king sized bed. Not to mention the 52 inch plasma TV in the living room. But I didn't have time for TV show. 

This town were bigger than Scorland Icey. And there was a beach behind the hotel. I wish I could live here, but I don't want to be away from my friends. Since I didn't bring any of my clothes here, I'm going shopping! I was excited about shopping. Maybe I could buy new weapons, nah... Don't need it. I have a lot of weapons in my car. So, bikini? Did I have time for that? I'm not good at listing stuff. 

"Randy... I'm going to shopping. You wanna come?" I asked Randy who's already asleep in bed. He murmured some alien language. I let him to rest and leave him a note that say 'I'm going to shopping'. After I dress into a dark skinny jeans and Randy's button up shirt, I gave Randy a peck on his cheek then left the hotel. 

While I was heading to a shopping mall, you been asking if I say 'yes' to Randy when we were in that motel. Hah! I'm not a cheesy person. Actually I said yes. And of course, with rules. Randy said he won't mark me until we got married. We use the human rules in our relationship. 

I buy a lot of stuff, especially clothes. I buy bags, handbags, make-ups, shoes, and others girl stuff. Not to mention, I buy a lot of bikini and dresses. 

When I was busy drooling over the leather jacket, I smell some scent. Rogues? I quickly hide myself between the racks. 

"Man, we should stop killing and kidnapping Vladamire's pack. I think they already up to something." One of the man said. I couldn't clearly saw they face. What a coincidence. 

"Why should we? It was fun, they wouldn't do anything. They are the weakest and poorest pack. They even couldn't seek for help. No one knows their pack exist." The other man said. 

"I think you got a point there" The early man replied. 

So, this is the rogues? What they mean by poorest? How did Vladamire pay us when our job were done?! He going to run away without paying? Cut it off. I love money. 

I followed they far from behind and act like a normal person. They may have scents me. They stopped at their tracks. I put on my earphone and act like talking to someone. Yeah... I know, old plan. Believe me, it works. 

"Hey sweetie, going somewhere?" Some of the guy asked me when I approach them. I felt a sharp metal on my back. They just pointing it on me so I will follow them. 

"I'm going back to my car. If not, my husband will get me here. He knows I'm in front of Janice's Fashion shop." I stated as I read the big sign in front of us. 

"He doesn't have time to run over here." The other guy whispered seductively at my ear. Gross. 

"He just need 1.2 seconds." I said. 

"Fine, we will take your car  and toss away your husband." They smirked and let me lead the way. Stupid. 

As we got into our car. Their expression change. 

"Where's your fucking husband?" The guy who sit on the passenger seat that pointed a knife on my neck growling at me. I smirked at him. Good thing is all of them were in the car. 

"You're sitting on him. Say 'hi' to my invisible husband." As I finished my words, I took out my gun under the seat and with inhuman speed I shot right into his forehead. The knife was slipped off from his hand. The guy at the back tried to pick it up but I shoot his arm. As I turned back, I shot two of the other rogues and leave the bleeding arm alive. 

I swung my door and pulled out the death bodies. I just left them there. I don't have time to dug their grave. I pulled out the only rogue who alive and pushed him into the passenger seat. 

"What's your name?" I asked him after I started the car and heading to the hotel. He didn't speak. 

"Need me to sing and dance for you to answer my question?" I said as I pointed a gun to his head. 

"B-Bryn" He said. 

"Okay Bryn, your arm were cut by the window when you about to suicide. If the hotel workers ask what happen, just smile like a fool and don't show the injured. If you disobey me. I will take you out of there and kill you slowly as possible." I said firmly.

When we were arrived at the hotel, many pairs of eyes stare at both of us. We both really smile like a fool. When we make it to the elevator, there was a lady who wear hotel's uniform. 

"Is he okay? He needs to go to hospital." The girl asked worrily. 

"We about to go there. But I forgot the keys, my brother can't stay alone outside. He got mental problem." I fake a sad smile on my face. The lady replied it. I appreciate her kindness toward a killer. 

"What the fu-?!" Randy said in his half naked body. He just wear a towel than hung low on his hip. I assumed that he just got off from the bath tub. 

"Tie him. I need a shower." I said slowly as Randy followed my order. I have a quick shower. When I was about to change, I remember I left my new clothes in the car. I just changed into bathrobe. From the living room, I heard Randy was already interrogate Bryn. 

"He wouldn't speak. Did you cut his throat?" Randy glanced at me, he was wearing ocean blue t-shirt and dark green jeans. 

"Not yet." I shrugged. 

"I will sliced your hand if that bullet were hurt to much." Randy said firmly. This isn't easy. We always ended up bury part of body or organs when we did an interrogation. 

"Blake wouldn't forgive you for this." He said in a rough voice and stormed to Randy. Randy lift his leg and kick Bryn's head. Bryn fell to the ground and not moving anymore. I checked his pulse. No beating. 

"He's dead. At least we know Blake." I said calmly. 

"What we going to do about the body?" Randy asked. 

"Throw away from the window?" I asked and he nodded. It was about 12 a.m. No one will know we throwing the body. I opened the window as Randy used his inhuman strength to lift up the skinny rogue and throw him far away from there. I'm sure that body will be in the wood. We not going to throw it to the traffic road. 

"Can you help me to get my stuff in car?" I asked. He mumbled 'sure' then left. 

The first day in Flownn Jerealz is fun.

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