Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"What next?" I asked Randy. We were having a breakfast in the Starbucks nearby the hotel as we waited for my car to get cleaned. We told the cleaner that car was use for acting in new film. 

"Enjoy the beach." Randy said simply and smiling toward me.  

"What about Blake and Vladamire?" I asked worrily. I don't want do a job without payment.

"Relax. We were closed to their territory. We will find out something." Randy said as he took a sip from his coffee. I mumbled an 'okay'. 

"Randy, can vampire get a sun burn?" I whispered at him closely, worry other human will heard us. They might call us Twilight's fan.

"Come on, you promise me not to asked that question again. You asked that for a million time during last summer. It's the same question when I asked you 'will you be a hairy woman during full moon?'." He replied. 

"I'm not hairy. I have a beautiful fur." I said in a higher voice. Some of the customer glared at us. 

'MATE." Celestia suddenly said. 'What?' I replied her. 'He's here.' With Celestia answer, I widen my eyes. No, it can't be right. Randy held my hand and squeezed it. I look at him and I was about to say what happen when the smell of someone getting stronger. NO! 

"Hi V, and..." A husky male voice said from behind. 

"Randy." Randy said and fake a smile. He held my hand tightly. 

"Yeah, right. Such a coincident. You guys on a date?" Davy asked as he try to maintain his calm voice. 'Coincident' my ass. He came here after he knows I'm here. There's a woman who hugged his broad arm. What's her name again? Jayca? Jesi? Jescar? Yeah, that sound right. He's been Davy's girlfriend for month now.  

"Yeah. We plan to fill our summer time together." Randy said as he glanced to me and gave me a warm smile. 

"That's great. Right, we about to leave. See you guys later." He said and hugged Jescar or whatever her name and left that place.  

"That's what I want to tell you when I told you I was pregnant your baby." I said in a higher voice to express my angry. But I look excited. My blood were rushing to my face when I heard few clapping sounds around us. Other customer and the waiters in that Starbucks are mumbled 'congratulations' to both of us. 

"We need to get out now." Randy whispered and wrapped his hand on my waist as we tried to get out of that place. Great, a happy lovely couple. 

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. We already decide the name." Randy announced loudly and smile brightly to them. His fake smile look real. 

"It should be Sandy or Suncry." Randy said as we both managed get out from that place. 

"Oh my God! Are you going to give your kids name like that?" I asked in horror. 

"Yeah, if the mommy were pregnant during summer. It suit them and its really a cute name." He said with a glowing and blinking eyes.  

"I'm proud I wasn't pregnant." I sighed. 

"Don't say that in front of my invisible baby." He faking a hurt in his eyes as he rubbed my stomach. He should be in the list of Oscar Winner. 



"We! Are never ever ever... Going back Together!! We-e.." The four of us were having a journey to Flownn Jerealz. All the time in the car, we were singing non-stop, well, most like screaming. Whatever. It's holiday!! We managed not to skip school cause of overly excited about holiday in Flownn Jerealz, the one place with the most perfect beach. 

"I will kidnap Violet from her date and take her to party with us." Red announced loudly as she raised the wine bottle in her hand.  

"Good luck with that, we will back up with the plan." I said loudly that my voice were louder than the music in the car.  

"I will help with the sound effect." Betrish said. She's never helping us doing a dangerous job. That girl hate danger. She love her life too much.  

"Or we can make a plan to help her to get Davy jealous." Zack said while his eyes were on the road. 

"Should we call Davy to get there?" Red asked. 

"No need to. He already there." I said calmly. The girls and a boy were shocked. That was my expression when Alpha Xavier told me that Davy was going for a trip to Flownn Jerealz with his girlfriend. What a jerk!  

I still remember what happened last year, the day Davy discover his mate. He found out that Violet, the unpopular and nerd girl in school was his mate. He quote, "What an unlucky I am, you can't be my mate. My mate should be beautiful, strong, sexy, and famous. Not some loser who always been stepped by everyone." He said that in front of the school area. Everyone was heard what he saying, of course some human thought they just practise for drama club. Werewolves and vampires who heard about that were laughing at Violet and comment a harsh thing about her personality and what a loser she is. 

Violet didn't worried about that, she just turned her heel and run to her car. That night and for a 3 days, she stayed and locked herself in her house and cry a lot. I tried to help her but she doesn't want to. She was one of the most mystery member in our group. And we didn't even know she had a new boyfriend! I wonder what that guy looks like. 

I text to Violet to kill my time. 

Me : "Where are you, sweetie?" Soon enough, Violet text me back. 

Violet : "Who's this?" 

Me : "Maria, your mama." 

Violet : "Right. In the planet of Earth. Where are you, by the way?" 

Me : "Not funny, kid. I'm in the car. On our way to Flownn Jerealz." 

Violet : "Our? What did you guys doing there?" 

Me : "Yep! Zack, me, Red and Betrish. We were going to force you to introduce to us who's Randy." 

Violet : "I told Zack that he was my friend. By the way, how did you know I'm here?" 

Me : "Because your boyfriend told us. Oh, don't punish him yet. We want to see how you punish him. It must be rate R scene. ;)" 

Violet : "Eew, you dirty mind. Find then, we were on the date. I may quit school or whatsover. I was pregnant his baby." 

The last text make me scream to Zack and order him to push the pedal so we can hurry to arrive there. Zack was clueless but followed my order though. She's kidding? I will kill that girl. Then, my phone beep again, 

Violet : "I'm not kidding. Randy already decide it's name, he said he want Sandy or Suncry." 

What?! No way he can name that to my niece or nephew! I will kill both of them!

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