Chapter 10:Meeting of the Parents

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That night, Lady and Tramp continued to look hard for Scamp and Angel, unaware that they were so close to finding them earlier that evening. "Oh, I just hope they're all right," Lady cried. "It's my fault that they're gone... I shouldn't have been so moody."

"Aww Pidge, you didn't do any harm," Tramp comforted her, placing a paw on her back. "Pidge, you must be getting tired," Tramp told her thoughtfully. "Why don't we just settle down for the night? A bit of rest could do us some good. Then we can continue looking tomorrow,"

"I guess we could," Lady worried, sighing. "But what if... well, what if we never see them again?"

"Pidge, Angel and Scamp can handle themselves, you'd be surprised. They'll be fine. All we need to do is just to find them," Tramp confidently told Lady, who felt much better.

The two of them continued to stroll down the sidewalks, remaining on the lookout all the time, and soon noticed the shadows of some tall buildings in the distance. "Come on Pidge, let's go over there for a place to sleep," Tramp recommended.

Lady followed Tramp as he swaggered down the sidewalk while the little sunlight that remained began to wane. By the time they arrived near the buildings, the sun was completely gone. The only lights remaining belonged to the lampposts on the street and some of the buildings, which Lady soon realized were called hotels.

"What are hotels?" Lady asked Tramp, continuing to walk down some streets.

"Places where visitors come to stay," Tramp told Lady. Lady and Tramp made their way down the street looking for a place to stay, and finally they found some hotel steps that were comfy and carpeted. Tramp got onto them, saying, "Pidge, let's sleep here."

But Lady told Tramp, "Doesn't this place say No Dogs Allowed?" reading the sign.

Tramp looked above, "Yeah... but that's only for the carpet. Come on, let's go sleep on the grass. There's not a rule about that, they wouldn't have thought of that." Tramp cleverly told Lady, and Lady panted happily. Tramp jumped off the steps and Lady followed, and the two of them soon lovingly slept on the grass at the side of the hotel.

"Night Pigeon," Tramp told Lady, licking her.

"Good night Tramp," Lady told Tramp affectionately, nuzzling against him.

Lady stared at the street, and she felt her eyes close. She opened her eyes again, and she realized that she was standing in the clouds. And there all of a sudden, was a cool, cocky looking street-dog standing with Tramp. Lady realized that this dog must be Buster. He was talking to Tramp, smirking at him.

"You don't want to be stuck in this prissy little girl's house, do you Tramp?" Buster drawled in a cool, Italian-accented voice. "You wanna be out on the street, like me. You wanna be a junkyard dog."

"Of course I do!" Tramp told the dog excitedly. "It'll be back to you and me, Buster."

"Tramp, don't go!" Lady cried. "How could he possibly leave me?" she thought to herself.

"Sorry princess, but he hates your stupid prissy little home," Buster told her harshly.

"Tramp!" Lady cried in anguish. "No! I... I love you! Don't you love me?"

"I don't love you anymore," Tramp told Lady coldly. "I have somebody else."

And then, walking out of a cloud, was Peg, in her shaggy blonde coat. She instantly rubbed against Tramp, batted her eyes, and sneered to Lady, "Why would he ever want you and your fussy little home when he has me!"

"Tramp! Please don't go!" Lady sobbed.

"Pidgeon, I'd gotta be with my friends on the street," Tramp told Lady. Then he, Buster, and Peg laughed as they walked away.

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