Chapter 33:Epilogue

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The grandfather clock rang eleven times. The kitchen was mostly dark, except for a little bit of moonlight trickling into the house from its window. Annette and Collette were sleeping together by the counter. Danielle slept near them, with Puffball, now wearing a personalized, gleaming gold collar, at her side. Also sleeping were Peg and Spunky, who were in a soft bed in the corner by the door. Like Puffball, they now had new, personalized collars, Peg's was blue and Spunky's was red. In the center of the room were Lady and Tramp, who were fast asleep in one cushy, large, round bed. Upstairs, Jim Dear, Darling, and Junior were sleeping. Everyone was sleeping... except for Scamp! He was standing up in his bed, staring out the window with Angel sleeping by his side. He stared out at the bright moon above. Far away, a train horn blared. Scamp smiled. The noise made him excited. He wasn't ready to go to bed yet. Scamp sat down and looked at Angel, happily sleeping. He began to think of exciting adventures they'd have in the morning...

Then, Scamp heard a small tapping on wood. Scamp jolted up. He looked through the room excitedly, but saw that everyone was sleeping. He sighed, "Rats..."

But then, Scamp looked out the window. Patch was standing on the window ledge. Scamp sat straight up again, panted excitedly and wagged his tail, and hurried to the window. He jumped on the stool by the window ledge, which he placed his front paws on. The window was cracked open. He smiled at Patch.

"Hi Scamp," Patch told him.

"Hey Patch!" Scamp smiled. "Slick move to get up there," Scamp pointed to the ledge.

"Thanks," Patch smiled. "It looks like your family's asleep," Patch smiled.

"Yeah," Scamp told him, smiling back.

"So's mine," Patch told Scamp. "Want to come over?" he asked. "We can have some fun together!"

"Sure!" Scamp answered at once, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Just let me wake Angel up!"

Scamp bounded off the window ledge, and ran to Angel, nudging her awake. Angel blinked, "Scamp, I was dreaming..." she whispered happily. But then her eyes fell on Patch, who was still sitting on the window ledge. Her eyes lit up too.

She and Scamp then shared the stool to the window ledge. "We'll be there in a bit," Angel told Patch.

"See you then!" Scamp smiled at Patch.

Patch smiled, and jumped off the window ledge. Scamp and Angel were about to jump down, then Scamp whispered, "Shh... we might want to keep quiet. It's past curfew time," Scamp smirked. "Bedtime at ten o'clock, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Angel smiled. "We could get into trouble," she whispered, and they giggled to each other. Angel then found a patch sitting on the nearby table. She told Scamp seriously, "Scamp, they'd be concerned if we disappeared without letting them know where we're going."

"You're right," Scamp told Angel.

"Let's put this here so everyone knows where we're going and that we're safe," Angel smiled, placing the patch in their bed.

The two of them began to walk out, but then, they heard a bit of movement. Looking behind them, they noticed Lady standing up and yawning. She blinked, and then she saw Scamp and Angel out of bed. They smiled guiltily.

"Hmm... oh dear... Scamp, Angel? You're still awake?" Lady asked.

The two of them gasped, and looked at each other. "Yeah," Scamp answered simply.

"Why don't you two go back to bed?" Lady gently suggested.

"Hey, I know it's late," Scamp told Lady. "But Angel and I were going to see..." But his voice trailed away as Lady looked at the patch and nodded.

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