Chapter 28:Tramp's Troubled Past

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Tramp looked down at the dirt. He then smiled nervously at Lady, who gave him an insistent look. Pongo and Perdita stood expectantly, waiting for Tramp to speak. The puppies meanwhile, remained crouched under the couch, and gave Tramp suspicious looks.

"Okay, okay," Tramp conceded at last. "I'll talk. Look, I...there were many things I shouldn't have done, and I'm sorry..."

"No you're not!" Scamp shouted. "You'd stop lying to us if you were."

"Hey, just listen to me," Tramp told Scamp. He then looked sadly at Lady, and then toward the exit. Lady then gave him a fierce look, and Tramp nervously started.

"I'm gonna tell you everything, okay?" Tramp told them sadly. Tramp gulped, and then he started. "I had a rough life. I... didn't have anybody in my life," Tramp told them, shutting his eyes and speaking wistfully. "I never had any parents to guide me. They got caught by the dogcatcher when I was a week old. I can sort of remember my dad trying to fight the dogcatcher, and my mom hiding me in some bushes. But they were caught, and they never got out, they took the long walk," Tramp gulped sadly. "I had to learn how to do everything on my own. Every day, I had to find my own food and face the dogcatchers. There were some close shaves but eventually, I outfoxed the dogcatchers and with practice I made better and better escapes."

Lady looked confusedly at Tramp. She then whispered to Tramp, "Weren't you..."

"I'll get to it, Pigeon," Tramp answered. He continued, but his tone became more nervous. "As I grew older, I became famous as other streetdogs began to talk about the grey, scruffy young fella who escaped from the dogcatcher every time. And when I got better at escaping, I began to help other streetdogs escape. I didn't want other dogs to end up like my parents, so I started freeing other dogs from the pound myself. Most of them thanked me and ran off. But then one day, I met a puppy who was different. He followed me down the streets. I was confused. I didn't know what he wanted. He told me he that he needed help. He told me that I was his role model, and he wanted me to show him how to steal from meat carts and how to escape from the pound. I spent a week with him, trying to teach him the tricks," Tramp told them guiltily. "And once he got good enough, well, I walked out on him. I felt that we needed to go our separate ways and I didn't tell him, because I ... well, I uh didn't like mushy goodbyes, and I felt that it would be dangerous for him to be with me since I led a dangerous life freeing dogs from the pound. And besides I needed my own space and wanted to be free and independent."

"Who was the puppy?" Scamp asked.

Tramp then answered, "You know him just as well as I do, whirlwind."

Then Scamp and Angel gasped. "You mean... that was..." Angel began.

"Buster?" Scamp finished.

Tramp nodded. "You got it whirlwind," he told Scamp affectionately. "But I forgot about Buster when, uh... I met," Tramp paused. He smiled weakly at Lady, who gave him another nudge. Then, Tramp looked downward, and said, "I met a girl. The prettiest girl I ever saw. Her name was Trixie."

"You mean... you broke more hearts?" Angel asked, horrified.

Tramp nervously scratched himself, and began. "Well, I thought I loved her. I walked up to her doorstep, and asked her to be my girlfriend. She snarled and looked down at me at first, since I was a collarless stray. But after I continued to flirt, she eventually fell for me. I took her out to Tony's. Tony was a friend of mine, and he was happy to see that I found a date," he began. "Trixie loved the romantic dinner. But that next day, I met... little Lulu."

"Another one?" Scamp gasped.

Tramp frowned. "Yes," he explained. "And I... I couldn't help it. I started to fall in love with her. I didn't even realize it. But then, I couldn't help it. I walked up to Lulu, and asked if we could date. Trixie was furious, and she stormed off back to her home. But... I didn't care, I hate to say it," Tramp explained awkwardly. "Because I was now with a girl I loved more. And I thought that my love for Trixie was just a silly crush and that Lulu and I would settle down. So I took her to Tony's that next day. Tony smiled at me just like the prior day. He was always happy to see me. But I could tell he was confused on why I was with another girlfriend. Lulu wasn't though. We dated, ate dinner, and then, we spent the night. We had a few days together. But then, Lulu got carried off to the pound. I was heartsick and furious with myself for not stopping her from getting caught. But as I was on my way to the pound to set her free, I met Fifi. She walked right up to me and asked me for a date. And then I felt that same swooping sensation. I just had to say yes! For the third time that week, I went to Tony's, and now, with a third girlfriend."

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