Chapter 25:An Unexpected Reunion

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Scamp and Angel nervously stood on the side of the barrel with the soot, not daring to move in order to remain hidden. They looked at each other tensely, waiting for their visitor to pass. Then, abruptly, a loud, whooping holler emerged from the entrance of the yard. Scamp and Angel quickly figured out that the voice was that of a tomboy's. "Woohoo! This place is awesome, look at all these toys! And maybe we can find some steak scraps from your steakhouse in the trash here! That steak was the best!"

"They always serve it like that," a boy's voice cheerfully replied. "It's really good stuff. It probably almost tastes like house food. I just wish they'd give us baths too."

The tomboy replied, even louder than before. "Nah... I've heard of house food. It's so awful! And baths aren't that great..."

"How'd you know about baths?" the boy asked.

"Oh, just cause!" the tomboy laughed loudly, and with a note of discomfort. "But this's the best!"

The voices drew louder and louder. Suddenly, the voices grew so loud that Scamp and Angel could hear every word perfectly. The two of them heard the puppies' footsteps approach closer and closer, but they were trapped, if they moved, they would certainly be discovered. The tomboy spoke again, "That food was awesome, I think... huh?"

Scamp and Angel gasped. Standing in front of them was a little brown puppy who looked awfully familiar. She was accompanied by a black and grey puppy who had long, very furry black ears, a short black tail, large green eyes, and a light grey body covered with dark grey speckles. She then stuttered, "Wh...wh...aah! Run!"

"Hey, why?" asked the black and grey puppy.

Then, Scamp and Angel gasped. They recognized who the brown dog was. But they could only barely recognize her, for her diamond-shaped tag was dangling dangerously off of her white collar. She was far muddier than they could've ever imagined. Her once perfectly clean coat grew untidy and matted, and she had a piece of steak stuck in between her teeth.

"It's Danielle!" Scamp gasped to Angel.

"How did she find us?" Angel asked worriedly.

"Yeah, how did you find us?" Danielle shouted abruptly.

"Dani, how do they know you?" Danielle's friend asked.

"He's my brother Scamp," Danielle told her friend. "And she's his girlfriend, Angel."

Scamp then turned to Danielle and asked, "So tell me, where are Mom and Dad?"

"You're gonna tell on me, aren't you? And you'd know that, not me!" Danielle answered indignantly. "How'd I know? I'm a runaway!"

"You ran away from home? But... you didn't tell me!" Danielle's friend asked her incredulously.

"Yup," Danielle answered simply, chuckling. Her friend rolled his eyes.

Scamp and Angel were speechless. They stared at each other for a few seconds. During that time, the puppies didn't hear any footsteps approaching the yard. Then Scamp uncertainly stepped forward, and asked Danielle, "You mean... you've had enough?"

"That's right!" Danielle shouted passionately. "I'm sick of being a prissy girl. I'm sick of stupid rules. I'm sick of baths. I'm tired of being with my whiny sisters. And no chains for me! I'm done with it all. I'm off on my own!"

"What happened to you?" Scamp asked, bewildered.

Angel stared at Danielle curiously. "I didn't know you ever felt this way," she marveled.

"Hey, you two had it right from the get go," Danielle said simply. "I heard you two talking about your adventures. I've heard Dad talk to you two about his. You two were going to have fun yourselves. I want to have fun and be free too. And it's been a blast!" Danielle chuckled. "I've been only out for two days. But I now have a boyfriend!"

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