Chapter 21:Into the Mansion

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Dusk Way, as it turned out, was not a small street. On the contrary, it was really a collection of streets upon streets, filled with large, desolate looking mansions. Tramp and Peg, who both thought they knew the place well, were both shocked with the size of it, and they were almost as lost as Lady, Pongo, and Perdita in navigating through it.

"I don't know where they could be," Perdita sadly cried as she looked down yet another abandoned street. "Where could Cruella live in this mess?"

"I wish I knew, Perdy," Pongo replied, shaking his head. "But they can't be too far, can they? I mean they have to be in Dusk Way somewhere."

Perdita replied, "I hope you're right," then she looked sadly at Pongo, before Tramp calmly told her, "Hey, we'll get them back, don't worry. We'll find them."

"But where could they be?" Perdita asked nervously. "I'm so afraid...and what if we're too late?"

But just as she asked, a loud beeping siren began to ring, which distracted all of the parents.

"That's a strange noise," Peg told them curiously. "I never heard that before."

"Me neither," Tramp commented as he looked straight ahead.

"You think..." Lady asked hopefully. "That that was the police? Did they catch Cruella already?"

"I don't know," Pongo replied.

"Well, maybe we should follow that siren to find out," Lady suggested.

The parents looked at each other, and in silence, they agreed that Lady had a good idea. They hurried down streets, with the siren getting progressively louder and louder, and they followed the siren in the hope that it would get them to Cruella's mansion.

Just when the new morning's sun began to rise, the parents saw a large house in the distance that looked particularly uninviting, with a large tall fence surrounding the place.

"Woah... this is a creepy house," Tramp said. "Maybe this is it."

The siren got louder and louder as they approached the house. Dead, barren trees littered the front yard of the house, and a howling wind blustered, scattering leaves on the ground. The parents shivered at the sight of the house due to its frightening appearance. Pongo stared at the house for a moment, and he realized just how much it looked like Hell Hall.

"Perdy, I think we might have just found it!" Pongo told Perdita. "It seems like the perfect place for her, don't you think?"

Perdita nodded and replied, "Yes, she would probably like a place like this."

"She does have bad taste," Peg muttered, staring at the front yard.

"Yeah, she does," Tramp agreed.

"Well then," Pongo suggested. "Should we investigate it to see if they're here?"

Lady, Tramp, and Peg nodded, but Perdita shook her head. The others looked surprisedly at her. But she told them, "Look though, we can't go through this way," Perdita informed them, reading a sign on the fence. The others read, "Danger: High Voltage." "If we go in through here, our puppies will have no one to save them and even if they do survive, they'll be left out on the streets as orphans!"

The parents nodded, realizing that Perdita had a point. They then looked nervously at the fence.

"It has to be her," Lady whispered softly. "Who else would have such a threatening fence?"

"Oh, what can we do?" Perdita asked. "We can't get inside..." Perdita added sadly as they reached the center of the fence, where the driveway was.

"We have to get through somehow," Tramp whispered. Then, he got a sudden idea. He whispered, "Hey! Let me try something."

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