Chapter 2

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Class 1-A haven't seen Kaminari for the rest of the day. It was now 5:30 pm and the class was all studying for a quiz Aziwa told they'd have tomorrow. Bakugou was worried but didn't let it show as he tried to explain what they were learning about to Kirishima.

"You have to do it this way idiot!!" Bakugou yelled at him hitting the back of his head. "Ow! I still don't get it!" Kiri yelled back. Everybody laughed but they stopped when they heard a door opening.

They all turned their heads and saw Kaminari entering the dorms. "There you are Kaminari! Where the fuck where you?!" Bakugou asked getting up from his spot on the couch. Kaminari looked at them and Bakugou could see a small glimpse of sevre sadness in his eyes.

Kaminari them started to walk to his dorm but Bakugou stopped him. "OK WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU WEREN'T IN CLASS FOR THE WHOLE DAY AND NOW YOUR TRYING TO ADVOID US?! THE FUCK?!?!" Kiri, Sero, and Iida had to hold Bakugou back until Kami signed to them to not to hold Bakugou back.

Bakugou went up to Kaminari and held him by his collar of his school outfit. "So care to tell us what the fuck is wrong with you? You can still talk you just choose not to." Bakugou said as he reached for Denki's mask. Kami slapped Bakugou's hand away which everybody stared at Kami, especially Bakugou.

Bakugou had enough and ripped the mask off of Kami's face. Kami covered his mouth with his hand but it was too late. Everybody saw the stitches already and stared speechless. "W-were those s-stitches?" Everybody asked at the same time. Kami just nodded and took out a piece of paper.

"this is why I say I'm mute. My mother was the one who stitched my mouth shut after I would scream at her to stop." Kami wrote. Everyone was slilent until Bakugou spoke up.

"Let me try something. Momo can you make me some scissors?" Kami was surprised to hear Bakugou speak so calming. "Sure. Just give me a sec.... Here" Momo said as she handed the sissors to Bakugou.

Kaminari backed up a bit as Bakugou git closer. "I'm not going to hurt you. Can you open your mouth as much as you can?" Bakugou asked. Kami nodded and opened his mouth to where you can barely see his tounge. Bakugou then put the scissors in the caress of Kami's mouth and cut the stitches so that Kami could finally speak.

"there. Uh.... Kaminari? You good?" Bakugou asked when ge saw Kami's eyes light up. (Kaminari's dialogue is going to be bold because that represents his voice being raspy) "y-you..... You cut my stitches off.... THANK YOU!" Kami yelled hugging Bakugou with all his might.

"Kaminari... That's your voice?" Kirishima asked. Kaminari nodded not used to talking. "thank you so much Bakugou" Kaminari said starting to cry a little. "It's no problem Kaminari. Now get off!" Bakugou pushed Kami off.

Part Kaminari's pov:

The next day Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero went to class early with Kaminari. Again students from 1B came out again snickering. When they went in they all saw writing on Kaminari's desk. The same writing too. Kaminari sighed and went to grab the wipes again.

"So those kids from 1B were the ones who did this to your desk yesterday too?" Bakugou asked clear irritation in his voice. "Bakugou it's fine. Their gonna get what they deserve soon enough. It's called Karma." Kaminari said as he wiped down his desk. "yeah their gonna meet our fists." Kirishima said.

"Kirishima no." "Kirishima yes" Kaminari chuckled as he finished wiping down his desk. "do they do anything else?" Sero asked patting my back with pure worry in his voice. "no. All they do is this but one day I know that a teacher will catch them"

Just then Aziwa came in. "What are you guys doing here so early?" he asked them. "I just wanted to come here and they followed me." I saw Aziwa's eye's widen then they all ready have. "you can talk?" He asked slight astonishment in his voice that I caught.

"yes he can and he'd rather not say the reason" Bakugou said standing right next to me. "I could care less about your life. I'm going to sleep." Aziwa said as he grabbed his yellow sleeping bag and fell asleep on his desk.

Just then the bell rang signaling class was about to start. The rest of the class came in and saw Aziwa sleeping. They sat down (somewhere) and began to talk. Like usual Sero, Mina, Kirishima and myself talked but Bakugou decided to actually talk with us (which he didn't regularly do seince we're "stupid extras").

Half way through I had to use the bathroom. I excused my self from the group and went to the closest bathroom to do my business. As I was washing my hands the jerk Monoma walked right in and came behind me.

"what do you want Monoma?" I asked irriation in my voice. "oh you can talk now? That means you can open your mouth right?" Monoma asked me trailing his hands up and down my arms. "yeah? What are you getting at? Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked him turning around.

"I could ask the same to you~." he said as he put his knee in between my legs and put his arms to the side of me pinning me against the sink. I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. He caught on and leaned in towards me I backed up until he put one of his hands on my back stopping me.

Before he could kiss me though I punched him in the stomach. He fell back a bit and that gave me time to kick him in his grond  making him fall all the way down. I took this as an advantage and ran to the door. Before I could open it though I felt someone electricute me so that I would fall down but still be awake.

I looked around and saw that Monoma copied my quirk and used it against me. He grabbed my arm and threw me to the sink. I hit my head on the sink and saw Monoma locking the bathroom door. He turned around with a creepy as hell smile and walked towards me slowly. "Your not going anywhere Kaminari~ We're going to have fun~"

He slammed my head against the sink again, feeling blood drip down my head and hearing it fall on the floor scared me enough. Monoma then pinned my hands behind my back. I was to scared to do anything. He was in control.
(I'll spare you guys from the sin. But you can imagine it with Monoma being dommant. And Kaminari not being able to do anything. I don't like this so SORRY!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! Ok back to the story)

Class 1A haven't seen Kaminari again for the whole school day. No one bothered to look for him except Bakugou. Kirishima caught on to Bakugou's worry and decide to ask him when no one was around. (basically when Bakigou was looking for Kaminari alone)

"hey bakubro! What's up?" Kirishima asked startling Bakugou. "The hell shitty hair?!" Bakigou asked wiping around to the red head. "well I just wanted to ask you something." Kirishima said making Bakugou get more relaxed.

"is it the homework the teacher assigned to us?" Bakugou asked crossing his arms. "No. It's about Kaminari," Kirishima began. Bakugou got more tense and a singular bead fell down his face. "Do you have a crush on Kaminari?" Kirishima asked stright to the point.

"SHIT HOW'D HE KNOW?!" Bakugou mentally cursed himself. "N-no! Why the fuck would you ask?!" Bakugou cursed mentally again hearing himself stutter. Kiriskima smirked, "Bakugou. Your stuttering."  Bakugou mentally cursed himself again knowing Kiri heard him stutter.

"Bakugou, you know Kaminari likes you too." Kirishima said starting to walk away. "oh and don't worry Bakubro! I won't tell anyone." Kirishima said walking around the corner.

"i guess that's good..." Bakugou thought as he walked back around to Aziwa's class to get the rest of his stuff. "wait. He would go to the closest bathroom to this room. Why didn't I think of that earlier?! UGH!!" Bakugou facepalmed himself for being so stupid and ran to the closest bathroom from Aziwa's classroom.

Bakugou opened the door and blushed slightly at the sight.

CLIFFHANGER!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Well sorry for the long wait for the update. Well BYE!!!

----------Word count: 1451--------

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