Chapter 13

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●Bakugou's POV●

As soon as I made it home, I grabbed my phone and texted Kami.

Me: Did you make it home safely

About thirty minutes later I finnally got a response.

Pikacutie: Yeah. Sorry I was getting
yelled at by my mother for
arriving early.

Me: You know you can ask me to stay
at my house anytime and I will
get you.

Pikacutie: Yeah I know, I know. If I do
really need to leave I
would leave at night when
my mom is out clubbing.

Me: how did you do that?

Pikacutie: it's my secret~

Me: ok. Changing the subject, what do
you have my name as?

Pikacutie: Hot Bakubae. What's

Me: Pikacutie. I like my nickname.

Pikacutie: mine too. I gtg, my mom's
calling me.

Me: remember to call me at 10:30!

Pikacutie: I will, I will. Bye babe.

Me: talk to you later sweetie.

I sighed and decided to watch Youtube untill Kami called me.


For the first few weeks of summer we both kept our promise. But lately, the time is getting later and later. But now... He has stopped answering, calls and texts.

Today I am planning on going to his house to see him. As I grabbed my stuff, a vibration in my pocket stopped me dead in my tracks. I reach down and grabbed my phone to see a message from Kirishima.

Shitty Hair: Bakugou...?

Me: what do you want Kirishima?

Shitty Hair: have you seen the news

Me: No... Why?

Shitty Hair: I think you really should.....

Why does Kirishima want me to see the news? I sighed and went to the living room too see both my parents crying. I walked up to them and they looked up at me with worried eyes. "Hey old hag, why the fuck are you crying?" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh honey," my mom got up from her seat on the couch and ran up to me, trapping me in a bear hug. "I'm so sorry!!" she yelled crying.

"OI! GET OFF ME YOU OLD HAG!! I SAID GET OFF!!" I yelled trting to push her off. She only hugged tighter and cried harder. I looked up to my father, expecting him to drag hid wife off me. But noooooo, he decides to hug me too.

"why the hell are you two crying?" I asked, not really wanting to hear their sad stories. But, the old hag lifted her hand and pointed too the TV, keeping her head glued onto me.

I tsked and looked at the screen.

[Breaking News]

A house in the suburbs caught fire today.

The body of Denki Kaminari, the Stun Gun hero: Chargebolt; was found tied to a wooden beam.

The police informed us that his mother: Akuno Kaminari, started a campfire at the hero's feet and fled the scene to the nearby forest.

Akuno Kaminari has been charged with arson, assult, neglectment, drug trafficking, murder, and attempted murder.

She is severing a life sentence in Fuchū Prison.


This can't be happening... THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!

I fell down on my knees, with both my parents still hugging me.

I didn't really want to go to the funeral... But everyone else convinced me.

As I walked in I saw many pro heros, especially Eraserhead and All might. I saw all of my classmates who I grew to tolerate. But, what surprised me was that Sero was there. I wondered why the hell he's here if he hated Kaminari.

I didn't notice but Sero walked up to me. "Bakugou... I'm so sorry for treating Kaminari like that! I never wanted this to happen!!! I'm so so so so sorry!!" He said as he dropped to his knees and bowed to me tears streaming down his face.

"Hey Tape Dispenser, get on your fucking feet." I said grumbling. He did as I told, then he was knocked off balance after I slapped him in his face. "That's for making Kami feel worthless" I start before I punch him in his face. "That's for saying those things to Kami."

Sero fell to his knees after I landed a really hard kick inbetween his legs. "And THAT'S for punching him."

"I deserve all of that" He said still on the floor. I tsked and waited for the service to begin.

Stiched Love (A KamiBaku fanfiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now