Chapter 3

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Bakugou blushed slightly at the sight.

He saw Kaminari halfway naked curled up in a ball in the corner. Bakugou could hear Kaminari crying and saw him shaking.

"Kaminari? Are you okay?" Bakugou asked getting closer. Kaminari shook his head no and cried more. Bakugou could see Kaminari's pants in a stall. He went over to grab it and looked in the other stalls to try and find his boxers but couldn't find them. Bakugou walked back to Kaminari and kneeled beside him.

"What happened? Why are you like this?" Bakugou tried to sound as comforting as he could which he guessed still scared Kaminari because he shook more. Bakugou sighed, "can you get up by yourself?" Kaminari shook his head. Bakugou sighed again and helped Kaminari put his pants on and stand to his feet.

"Can you walk?" Bakugou asked trying to help Kaminari. Kaminari shook his head again as Bakugou sighed once more. Kaminari squeaked as Bakugou picked him up bridal style and started to walk out the door. All the students have already went to the dorms so they were alone.

"so... I heard that you have a crush on me. Is that true?" Bakugou asked smirking turning his head towards Kaminari who burried his face in Bakugou's jacket. "y-yes.... b-but.... I can u-understand if you d-don't like me b-back...." Kaminari said as he looked away from Bakugou's face feeling his face heat up.

Kaminari felt him self move and his face being pushed to meet the blondes beautiful red eyes. "Kaminari... Don't ever say that please... I love you too. And only you..." Bakugou said before he put his lips on Kaminari's. Kaminari was taken aback but kissed Bakugou back.

"see? Now please.... Can you tell me what happened?" Bakugou asked after they pulled apart. Kaminari nodded, "w-well I was j-just washing my hands when Monoma c-came in.... H-he threw me against the s-sink and.... and did s-stuff to me t-that I'd r-rather not say a-aloud... B-Bakugou?" Bakugou's face was full of anger. As Bakugou carried Kaminari to the dorms he suddenly stopped at the entrance.

"do you think you can walk past the common area?" Bakugou asked Kaminari. Kaminari shook his head no as Bakugou sighed. "well.... Those idiots are going to question it but whatever as long as you get some rest." Bakugou nuzzled his nose into Kaminari's neck making him giggle.

As Bakugou walked in everybody stared at the two.

"Bakubro, why are you carrying Kaminari like that?" Kirishima asked getting closer to them. Mina appeared behind Bakuhou and gasped. "are you two.... DATING?!?!" Mina squealed. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!! Now if you'll get out of my way I need to take Kaminari back to his room." Bakugou said ignoring the cat calls from the others.

"uh.. Bakugou. My dorms the other way..." Kaminari pointed out when Bakugou walked past Kaminari's dorm. "I know. I'm taking you to my dorm. I just want to make sure you'll be alright tonight." Bakugou said as he nuzzled his nose into Kaminari's neck again.

Bakugou opened his dorm room and walked in. "Can you change yourself?" Bakugou asked as he set Kaminari on his bed. Kaminari nodded as Bakugou threw a black tanktop and some sweatpants at Kaminari. Bakugou watched as Kaminari changed a slight red dusting his cheeks.

When Kaminari finished Bakugou walked over to him. He pulled the covers over Kaminari and kissed his forehead. "where are you going?" Kaminari asked as he saw Bakugou turn his doorknob. "I'm just going to get something for you to eat. Because you didn't eat lunch right?" Kaminari nodded as Bakugou opened the door and walked through.

Bakugou half lied. He was going to see if he could find Monoma and beat his ass, then make food for Kaminari if he didn't fall asleep by then. Bakugou walked into the common area and Kirishima came up to him.

"Ok what really happened? I saw Kaminari was awake and I vould tell he couldn't move. So what happened?" Kirishima asked as everyone stopped what they were doing to see what was going on. "He rather me not to say." Bakugou tried to get past Kirishima but Sero and Midoriya went on both sides stopping him.

"what happened with Kaminari?" Sero asked his voice a bit ordering. It's for his own safety Bakugou thought. "Fine," Bakugou started. "Kaminari was raped in the bathroom by Monoma. And now I'm going to kill him." Everyone's eyes went wide before being filled with rage.

"Kacchan. Why are you so annoyed by this. I mean that is really unacceptable but why are you going to "Kill him"?" Midoriya asked. "you'd see another day." Bakugou said beginning to walk away but saw Kaminari in the hallway walking towards him. Kaminari was holding something on his face.

"Kaminari?" Bakugou asked getting all the attention on the blonde. "H-hey Bakugou...." Kaminari said stepping a foot closer to the others but still in the shadows of the hallway. "What are you doing out of bed? I told you that you needed to rest! And step out of the shadows for god's sake!!" Bakugou half yelled (not wanting to hurt Kaminari's ears) pulling him out of the hallway.

Now that Kaminari was in the light everyone could see blood on his hand and around his left eye. "Bro! What happened?!" Kirishima asked racing to the side of his best friend. "n-nothing...." Kaminari said hiding the blood more.

"Why the hell are you bleeding then? I know when I put you to bed that wasn't there." Bakugou said firmly. When it was quiet they all could faintly hear footsteps running fown the hallway. Kaminari looked back with pure fear in his eyes. As the footsteps got closer Kaminari went to go hide behind Bakugou. "the hell you hiding from?" Bakugou whispered to Kaminari. "he says he is my dad but I don't belive him. When i took a nap I just saw him above me with a knife pointing at me...." Kaminari whispered back. Bakugou felt unearthed rage bulid up inside him. First that fucking quirk stealer rapes him and now this?!

A guy ran in a knife with blood clear in his right head. "Have any of you saw Kaminari run through here?" the guy asked. Bakugou had enough. Hr leaped towards the man and pinned him burning his face. The guy got knocked out and Bakugou threw him out of the dorms. Bakugou rushed back to Kaminari who was shaking a lot more now.

"so what exactly did that guy do?" Bakugou asked bring Kaminari close to him. Kaminari removed his hand from his face where there was a deep cut from the bottom of his cheek to the middle of his forehead. Bakugou's eyes widened and ran into his bathroom holding Kaminari.

Bakugou set Kaminari on the side of the tub and opened the medicine cabinet. Bakugou pulled out a first-aid kit and a rag. Bakugou wet the rag and went over to Kaminari to wipe away the blood. "Stay still." Bakugou said as Kaminari flinched. After Bakugou cleaned the wound he got bandages and put them over Kaminari's eye.

Once Bakugou was finished Kaminari already passed out. Bakugou smiled and sighed picking up Kaminari. Bakugou took Kaminari to his bed and put the covers over him once again. As Bakugou started to walk away Kaminari held onto Bakugou's hand. Bakugou smiled at him and crawled into bed with him. Bakugou held Kaminari to his chest as he drifted off to sleep.

--------------Word Count:1278------------------

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