✿Bonus Chapter✿

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It's been years since UA's downfall. Since the worlds downfall. Villians are now ruling the entire world and the only hero's left were in hiding. Including me.

All of the hero's had to change their appearance to stray the villians away. We had to dye our hair to a natural color, that didn't match our old hero apperance.

It sucks, I know. But us hero's are gathering a new set of hero's with each generation. We are slowly building a army against the villians. You could say we are building a resistance.

Two new recruits came in today. Me and a few friends from highschool had to train them. We stood there waiting for them to come in. I was talking to Alien Queen when Header came in with the new recruits.

Header had his hand on the kids backs and slightly pushed them forward, urging them to say their names. I sighed and smiled, Header never changed his way of being a bit rude. I walk forward and squat infront of the kids. I held out my hand and smiled my shark tooth grin.

"Hello! You may kniw me as the old hero Red Riot. But I now go by Blood Anarchy." I said happily, did I mention hero's had to change their names to sound more villainous? The one to the right sighed and shook my hand.

"Sorry about my brother here, he's shy. My name is Nikia, and he's Hibiki. We are orphans because our parents died by the villians." The girl said. She had bangs that went to the side of her hair and had her hair in a ponytail supported by a bow.

"You two remind me of old friends. I just can't think of who." I said deep in thought, their faces reminded me so much of friends I knew! But... who?

"How about we take a walk and you two tell us about yourselfs!" Psyhcophane requested. We all nodded in agreement and walked out of our lair.

As we walked down the shattered streets, I barely remembered how this came to be. There was a villian too powerful, and it destroyed everything, sending hero's to heaven or into hiding.

Without realizing, we walked to the entrance of the broken down school for hero's: UA. "Can we go inside? We want to show you something." The kid presumed to be Hibiki asked. He was quiet the whole walk. We nodded and walked inside.

As we walked we saw the dead trees growing in the brick pathway and arches that had most of it's components on the floor. Nikia and Hibiki ran ahead, making me, Alien Queen, and Psyhcophane run after them. The weaved in and out of all the obstacles with ease. Making me realize that they have hero material.

They disappeared from sight which made us run faster. We found them infront of a statue in a square. I walked up to the statue as memories flooded back, I was there when they built this for the honor of students who died. Then one of the pro heros put a spell on the making it unbreakable.

I walked closer and read the sign below the unknown figures.

To all that come here
Far and wide.
Gaze upon these two who died.

They fought with honor,
They fought with pride.
But paid a price,
With flames and dice.

In loving memory,
We pay to them.
They were the heros
Now and then.

They were heros,
Who loved one another.
Now they lay,
Together in never ending slumber.

I looked up and saw a boy with his thumb out, who seemed to invite anyone to come inside and get to know him. The boy behind him though, had his arms crossed and had a pissed of look on his face.

"Guys, do you remember Denki Kaminari and Katsuki Bakugou?" Psychophane asked. "Not really... Why?" I responded.

"Well on the back here it says, we had a group of friends who laughed. Of frineds who played, of friends who rose above the rest. We never were sperated, even through thick and thin. But that changed when one betrayed the rest. The friends were now broken, unable to make up what they did to each other. Once one took a firey death, they came to over see each others wrath. The Bakusquad rose again, after having two members dead.

Now having only three members left, Sero Mina and Kirishima went off. Leaving no one left. Apparently we were in a friend group with these two."

Wait.... I remember! People used to call us the Bakusquad because Bakugou always seemed to be the leader! Bakugou and Kaminari got into a relationship but Denki died from his mother burning him alive and Bakugou died from a bullet in the heart!

We all looked at each other, almost like sharing thoughts with out talking. "You all had a big relationship with our dadies." "Wait, wait, wait... They are dead, how can they be your dads?" Sero asked confused.

"they sent us down here to help bring things back to normal. And to give you this" Hibiki said holding out a peice of paper. Mina took it and started to read it aloud.

"Now that you remember, the old times we had. Take our kids and beat the villians ass. We wanted you to know, we love you so. And that we'll be together very soon if you know. Just keep your hopes up, in our honor. And beat the villians six feet under. Hm... Two of those lines sounded a lot like Bakugou wrote it."

"It really, really did." I chuckled. "Well Hibiki, Nikia. Looks like we have a job to do!"

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