Chapter 8

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Ok, so first off.... y'all are probably going to hate me in a chapter. I won't spoil it, just know... you'll probably hate me... Second there is a Undertale reference in here. But only one...


That was nice...

The soft voice from Uraraka made the electric user relax a little, "Kaminari-kun... Are you ok?"

"yeah! I'm fine Uraraka! Even though Tetsutetsu's friends were being jerks, Tetsutetsu fixed the problem and apologized for them!" Kaminari said with a smile.

Bakugou exhaled, finally knowing his boyfriend was ok. He walked up to Kaminari and gave the, blonde and hug. Kaminari immediately hugged back, loving hiw his boyfriend was being so caring.

"as much as this is adorable," Tokoyami began. "The first bell is about to ring and we'll all be late."

"Oh yeah. Come on guys!" Kami said laughing as he took the lead again.

~~~magical and wonderfull timeskip~~~

The day had finally ended to the electric users relief. Today was a very rough day for all, especially training. Aizawa-Sensei had worn everybody out.

As all the students left the building, Kaminari was stressed and needed sime time to himself, whereas Bakugou thought Kami needed attention and kept hugging him and holding his hand as they walked with the class.

"Hey Bakugou?.." Kaminari whispered so only Bakugou would hear. "Yeah babe?" Bakugou whispered back.

"I'm going to walk around the campus. I need a breather..... alone." Denki felt Bakugou's eyes stare at him. Kaminari slowly looked back up to stare back into the ruby eyes of his lover. Bakugou sighed and gave a quick peck on Kami's lips.

"Ok love, but if anything happens, call me and I'll be right there." Bakugou muttered staring into the amber eyes of his boyfriend. Sero was right, I was being a little overprotective, Bakugou thought. It wouldn't hurt for him to be on his own for a bit I mean,

what could go wrong?

Kaminari was walking along the outskirts of the campus, he was goind to go in a spiral circle thingy. Why can't he remember the name fir mostly everything?.. Is he that stupid? Like his mother always said...

I guess she's right, Kaminari thought. I am just a mess up, I mean I cause a lot of trouble for the others trying to make sure I'm safe after I short circuit...

"Hey there!"

Kaminari stopped, no one was supposed to be out here. He looked around frantically, trying to find where the voice came from.

"Down here!"

Kaminari looked down to see what looked like a buttercup, but with six petals.... and a face...?

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"

"huh.... A talking flower.... Am I high right now?"

"No your not buddy! Listen, I saw you training and you look awesome out there! If you want I can help you be stronger to defeat the guy with white and red hair!"

"todoroki...? No, I'm fine with how strong I am right now. Thanks for the offer though..." Kaminari started to walk away until he felt something wrap around his foot, tripping him.

"H-huh?!" Kaminari looked around at the flower, it's pistil (center) was looking down and it's petals were covering it's face. Kaminari looked down at his body and saw vines crawling up his skin.

The vines came from underneath the flower as it started to shake. "you iDiOT," the flower turned his pistil up tilting it to the side. The face turned twisted, filled with the intent to kill.


Stiched Love (A KamiBaku fanfiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now