Chapter 14 [End]

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●Bakugou's POV●

I woke up to a huge ammount of blinding white in the room. I sat up and rubbed my aching head. I looked at the ground and saw a white/pinkish fog lay ontop the ground. How did I het here?

Oh, that's right. I got shot by a villain trying to save a little kid.

I tried to stand up, but as soon as I did I felt unbalanced and fell back down. What the hell? I looked to my back and saw white wings...? A-am I dead?

I hold my arm out and pinch it, nothing. I... guess I am... Wait... Of I'm dead... I can see my Kami again!

I bolted up and ran. Suddenly, I felt pain in my chest as I was being pulled back. I looked behind me and saw a indescribable blackness grabbing every part of me, trying to pull me towards it.

I whirl back around and fight against the blackness, pulling of the strings attached to me and running forward. I wasn't going anywhere, until I face planted in the floor ahead of me. I turn around and see the black hole disappearing. I smile in my victory.

"Call it, Katsuki Bakugou. Time of death June 29th, XXXX, 4:55 pm."



Kirishima stared in shock at the boy in the hospital bed. He looked around the room to see his parents crying, his classmates crying, and his teachers crying... Kirishima couldn't help but to see a bit of irony... Bakugou died on Kaminari's birthday... The same day he died...

I ran ahead. Looking for a way out of the endless white with no one around. I kept running feeling hope with each step I took. In the distance I saw stairs, I heard voices, I felt relieved, I felt happy once again.

I ran up the stairs taking two at a time. Until I finally reached the top. A gate blocked my entry, I looked at the top to see the word HEAVEN spelt out. I made it... I made it! I get to see my love again!

I tear up and reach to open the gate. I swing it open and took a step inside. The floor felt like clouds, it smelled of lavender, and it instantly made me feel loved.

A person dropped infront of me. He had a clipboard and had glasses. He kida reminded me of Sonic.

"Are you Katsuki Bakugou?" He asked me, looking from the clipboard to me. "Uh... Yes I am" I said.

"Well Katsuki, we were expecting you." I was a little weirded out from him calling me by my first name and was about to say something about it, but I figured my ancestors are here too so less confusion.

"Do you know where I can find Denki Kaminari?" I asked, yearning to see my love again. "Yes I do. Do you want me to take you to him?"

"Yes!" I said enthusiasticly. He smiled and motioned me to follow him, which I gladly did. We walked past stores made mostly out of clouds on a street made out of the fog stuff I saw earlier. We kept walking and saw cloud houses ethier on the fogged floor or floating in the sky.

He lead me to a house with another house floating above it. "Denki is in the second house up. You'll need to fly to get to him." He said starting to turn around. "W-wait! I don't know how to fly!" I yelled as he took off.

"Just open your wings! They'll do the rest!" He said as he flew away.

Alright, just open my wings and they'll do the rest..? I fiddled with them a bit until I got them fully open. I closed my eyes and found myself above the makeshift ground when I opened them back up.

I smiled and knocked on the door. I waited until I heard the doorknob turn and saw eyes peeking at me. "Kat..? KAT!" The mustard colored hair boy said flying at me to embrace me in a bear hug. He made ne spin around in the air, making me almost loose my balance.

"Careful babe! Your gonna make me fall! I'm not quite used to flying yet." I said giggling at the boy's energy. "Oh sorry sorry. Come in Kat! I'll teach you how to fly some other time." Kami said pulling on my arm.

We made it inside and found two kids with angel wings playing with some toys on the floor. One with the same hair as me (but had mustard colored hair) that had two lightening bolts at the side of his head looked up and saw us. "Daddy brought dada! Nikia look!"

The one presumed to be Nikia looked up and gasped. "Dada! We get to finally see you!" Nikia said runni g up to me and hugging me. I looked at Kami confused.

"They are the kids we were going to have if we didn't die so young. He is Hibiki and she is Nikia!" Kami said enthusiasticly.

Nikia had ash blonde hair that looked a lot like Kami's (just with out the lightening bolt). She had an orange bow in her hair, with tiny yellow lightning bolts covering the whole bow. She had beautiful mustard eyes with a hint of crimsion at the top and bottom.

Hibiki had crimsion eyes, and had adorable pink cheeks that brings out his hair.

I started crying as I embraced everyone in a tight hug as I smiled. "This is the family I dreamed of" I wispered kissing all of their heads.

"Dada! Tell us a story!"

"Yeah! Tell us a story daddies!"

I looked at Kami as we both smiled. We both knew what story we were going to tell. Kaminari started off, "Well, I had to learn sign language at an early age...."


There you go! Stitched Love has been finished with a happy ending! As always you can make fanart of this story! Now before you go, I want you to check out my other book that I spend alot of time on that no one reads.

I want to thank you for all the support you gave me as I continued this book

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I want to thank you for all the support you gave me as I continued this book. I always love reading your comments, as they make my day. I hope you have a fantastic day or night, as you read this to the end. Goodbye my Gacha Munchkins.

Stiched Love (A KamiBaku fanfiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now