Chapter 9

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AN: You look so perfect sanding there in my American Apparel underwear!!!!

Double Update!!!!

AN: Unedited.

*Ashton's POV*

I told myself I'd stop after a few cuts. That turned into about 20.

I tried to stop but that didn't work out so well. I couldn't help it. After the boys found out I needed to punish myself.

When I was done showering I stared up at my ceiling. While I was thinking about my shitty life I heard a knock on my door.

"It's Cal and Mickey. Can we come in?"

"I don't care," I stated with no emotion in my voice. I heard the door open and in walk Calum and Michael.

"Can we talk?" Michael asked.

"What about?"

"What you confessed a couple days ago," Calum said. I froze. I knew exactly what they were talking about. My confession.

"What about it?" I asked trying not to cry ready to face all the hurtful words.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Michael asked sounding hurt.

"I thought you would hate me."

"We would never hate you. You're our brother," Calum said. I looked up at them with tears in my eyes.


"Of course you are," Michael smiled at me. Then Calum and Michael engulfed me in a hug.

"Do you think Luke would hate me if I told him?" I asked breaking the hug.

"He would never hate you. You're his brother too," Calum smiled at me.

Brother. And that's all I'll ever be.

"Anyways we're heading for bed goodnight Ashton," They both smiled at me.

"Also one more thing," I said before they left.

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"Please don't tell Luke. I don't want to ruin his relationship with Amber."

"We would never tell," Michael reassured me.

"Goodnight guys and thanks," I smiled at them.

"Goodnight," They smiled back.

Little did they know Luke heard the whole thing.



Another update for you guys!!

A lot of people wanted me to update so I did!!

Would you consider that a cliffhanger?

Also lots of drama will be coming up *grins like a horse on crack*

Sorry it's short I wanted to do a little update for you guys.

Why don't I have friends?

I really need some...

Anywhore I have to go but you can always message me! I'm always up to talk to you guys.

GOAL:2+ boys and comments.

Also I would dedicate this to someone but I don't know how. Call me stupid I really don't care.

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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