Chapter 1

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I can't believe I'm twenty-six years old and still working this dead end job. I graduated from a decent college with my bachelors degree in Media Communications. What was I thinking? Now I don't have a real career and I have about $90,000 in school loans to pay off. I need to find a new job pronto. I did not go to college to waitress for the rest of my life. My parents wanted me to pursue my dreams and they never got to see me graduate. One drunk driver and I lost the most important people in my life.

"O-M-G Lexy! So I found this advertisement for a job that would be perfect for you!" that would be my best friend, Mariah who works at the diner with me. "Really? What does the job entail?" I ask suspiciously. "You will be on tour with a group of musical artists! It says there are four positions open and two of them call for an attractive female to open the concerts and get the crowd hyped, bring in more people, and promote the tour," she tells me as she jumps up and down. "This is perfect for you! You're gorgeous, you're outgoing and friendly, you've been wanting to travel, but you don't have the money. The only downside is that you have to leave me behind," she tells me with a pout.

"Don't get excited yet, Riah. I haven't got the job yet. I need to go for an interview first," I tell her calmly. "Lexy, you are going to ace this interview! Oh it also says that you need to perform a song for them. They want you to be able to sing back up sometimes and to open the concert with a fast song that will bring the mood up," she tells me quickly. "You know I only like to sing in the shower, bitch!" I yell at her hysterically. "Just chill. The interview is three weeks from now in Philly, so it's 20 minutes over the bridge. You have plenty of time to pick a song and sing it. It says you don't have to play an instrument, just sing. They have a band that is able to play the music for you," she tells me logically.

"Okay I'll pick a song, but I'm gonna be so nervous," I tell her while biting my bottom lip. "This is what your parents would want for you. They wouldn't want you to be stuck at this job when you have that amazing degree. You need to take some risks once in a while, Lexy," she tells me earnestly. "You're right. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna rock it." I tell her confidently. "YES! That's mah girl!" she replies energetically.

~Three Weeks Later in Philadelphia~

"Oh my god I'm so nervous," I whisper as my hands shake. "Please don't throw up. Please don't throw up. Please don't throw up." I chant to myself. "Miss D'Angelo you're up next," a woman with a clipboard and a head seat tells me kindly. "Okay. Thank you very much," I reply. "You're welcome, sweetie. Don't worry, they're all really nice artists on this tour," she tells me with a smile. "I appreciate your kind words," I tell her with a smile before I'm called on stage.

"Hey there, darlin' what's yer name and what're ya singin' for us today?" I hear a kind voice drawl. I look up and I see Luke Bryan, Lee Brice and...Brantley Gilbert? Oh dear lord BG is my favorite country singer. He's that perfect mix of bad boy and teddy bear. Alexandra, don't freak out. Breathe. Tell them your name!

"Hello. My name is Alexandra D'Angelo, but you can call me Lexy. I'm going to be singing 'I Will See You Again' by Carrie Underwood," I tell them. "You go ahead, girl. I'm rootin' for ya," Lee tells me with a kind smile. "Thank you very much, sir." I tell him shyly.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [2x]

Said goodbye, turned around

And you were gone, gone, gone

Faded into the setting sun,

Slipped away

But I won't cry

Cause I know I'll never be lonely

For you are the stars to me,

You are the light I follow


I will see you again, whoa

This is not where it ends

I will carry you with me, oh

'Til I see you again"

I finish the song as tears drip down my face. "I'm sorry. That song is really close to my heart," I explain to them. "Baby girl, don't apologize to us. You were amazin'. Don't ever let people stop you from expressin' yerself," Brantley tells me passionately. I nod my head with a smile and say, "Thank you all very much for your kindness," I tell them before walking off stage.

When I get home to the apartment, Mariah is waiting for me. "So? How did it go? Tell me everything! Who is the tour for?" she bombards me with questions and demands. I laugh and say, "Okay. Put the kookoo back in the clock, girl." I tell her everything, who's tour it is, what they said, and what I said. "Oh my god! They loved you! They're so gonna call you back, girl!" she squeals and bounces on the couch. "I don't know, but what I do know is that Brantley Gilbert is even sexier in person!" I tell her as I fan myself dramatically.

~Two Days Later~

"Hello?" I answer the phone as I get ready for the night shift at the diner. "Hello, is this Alexandra D'Angelo?" she replies. "Yes, this is she," I answer nervously. "Hello, Alexandra this is Brenda Turner. I'm Luke Bryan's manager. I'm calling on behalf of your audition for the tour that begins this coming Saturday," she begins to tell me. My heart is beating so fast, I swear it's going to jump outta my chest. "I just wanted to call to congratulate you on making the cut. Luke, Lee and Brantley were very impressed with your audition. So congratulations. I look forward to working with you. That is, if you are taking the job?" she asks me cautiously. "Oh man. YES!" I squeal as I dance around the room. She laughs and tells me where and when to meet in two days.

"Joanne please put Mariah on the phone. It's really important," I tell her breathlessly. "Lexy? What's going on? Joanne said it sounded urgent," she asks all concerned. "Mariah, I got the job!" I yell into the phone. "Oh my freaking god! NO WAY! WOOHOO!" she screams and I can imagine she's getting tons of looks in the diner. "Yes! I leave this Saturday. We HAVE to spend these next two days together. I will miss my sista from anotha mista so much!" I tell her sadly. She agrees and tells me she's taking the next two days off. I'm going in tonight to work my shift, but then I'm giving my notice, even if it is kinda short. Oh well. Can't be helped. This is going to change my life for the better. I just know it.

Taking Chancesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें