Chapter 3

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BG helps me carry my bags to his bus, like a true gentleman. I'm not sure if I can get used to a man treating me so nicely. The few boyfriends that I've had in the past were real jerks. My last boyfriend seemed too good to be true and he was. I found him in bed with another woman on my birthday. Ever since then, I've had trouble trusting people, especially men.

"Well, you can have the bed in the back room and I'll sleep in one of the bunks," BG tells me. "Oh heck no. This is still your bus, BG and you need your space. Please. You've already done enough for me. I'm just happy to have a more quiet environment to live on, away from those assholes," I tell him truthfully. "If yer sure, darlin'. My mama would slap me silly if I didn't offer you the better bed," he tells me with a grin. "I promise. I'll be just fine on one of the bunks."

"Knock knock. Hey y'all, just wanted to ask y'all if ya wanted to drive to the beach with me, Luke, and the kids tomorrow? It's only about an hour and a half away," she informs us. "I'm so in. I'm really gonna miss my Jersey shore. Oh damn, I don't have a bathing suit," I tell her with a pout. "It's alright, you and I can go pick one up on the way. We'll just leave the guys in the car," she tells me with a laugh.  "Caroline, y'all know I can't resist an opportunity to see some lovely ladies in bikinis," he tells her seriously. Caroline rolls her eyes before saying, "Well goodnight. I'll see y'all around 9am?" she asks. "We'll be ready," I tell her with a hug. We all say goodnight and BG heads to the back of the bus while I head to the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

As I get comfortable in my bunk, I see the curtain moving. I slowly pull the curtain back and Sy jumps up in the bunk with me. I can't help but to giggle at how sweet he is. "Aw Sy, your daddy's gonna be upset that you're choosing me over him. That's not very nice, sweetie. He needs some love too," I tell him seriously. He just turns in a circle, plops down and begins snoring. "Okay I guess he doesn't care," I mumble to myself before laying back down.

My alarm goes off on my phone and I groan as I try to stretch, but Sy is taking up most of my bed. BG comes stumbling past my bunk in a pair of sweatpants that I'm sure he threw on for my benefit. "Oh I see how it is, Sy. You chose the pretty lady over me. I can't blame ya brother," he tells him seriously. I can't help but to blush and giggle. "Yeah, he's a bed hog too and I'm not used to hearing a man snoring next to me," I say with a grin. "Oh? No gentleman in yer life? Pretty girl like you?" he asks surprised. "You're really good at making me blush, BG. Thanks a  lot," I say with a laugh. He just winks before I leave him to go brush my teeth.

"Okay I think we got everythin'. I'm sure we'll think of somethin' else," Caroline says to us as Luke starts the SUV. "Baby, we gotta stop at the mall so Lexy can get a bathing suit. Y'all can wait in the car while we go real quick," Caroline tells him. "Say what? Darlin', I think that it's vital for us gentlemen to approve said bikini. I don' want no fools hitting on mah little sister," he tells her seriously. "I second dat notion, but mine is purely for selfish reasons," BG speaks up from the back seat. I can't help but to blush when he says that. "Really? Y'all are messed up. Lexy, don't listen to these two," she tells me with a roll of her eyes. I'm sitting in the middle section with little Tate, while Bo is in the back with his 'awesome Uncle Brantley' as he calls him.

"Okay troops, let's go," Luke says before jumping outta the driver's side to grab Tate. "Baby, really? We're just gonna be in there for maybe 15-20 minutes. There's no need for y'all to come in and cause a ruckus. Ya know the ladies will go crazy if they see y'all," she tells him seriously. "I agree with Caroline. Trust me, I won't be choosing a hoochie bikini. I like to cover my private areas," I tell Luke with a laugh. "Oh then we definitely need ta go wicha. How bout Luke stays wit da boys and I go in whicha lovely ladies?" BG asks. "In your dreams, BG," I tell him as I stick my tongue out. "That hurts, darlin'. Ya just so cruel to me," he tells me as he holds his hand to his chest.

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