Chapter 6

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I can't believe it's a week later and Jana is still here. When is this bitch leaving? I'm seriously debating on going back on the other bus with all those guys. TJ left two days ago and I miss her already. With Jana being here it's just more mess for me and BG to clean. She is constantly leaving her clothes on the floor, her hair is everywhere and she doesn't even help with dishes after I cook the meals! I can tell that BG is starting to get annoyed with her princess act too.

"Jana, can ya please just pick up yer hair off the bathroom floor? I hate steppin' on it with mah bare feet," he pleads with her. "Isn't that what Lexy's for?" she asks snootily. Fucking bitch! I throw on a sweater and a pair of chucks and high tail it to the front of the bus. Sy sees me coming and jumps off the couch to follow me. I grab his leash and BG lightly grabs my arm. "She didn't mean it, darlin'," he tells me gently. "Really BG? Are you sure about that?" I ask him angrily before storming off the bus with Sy.

After Sy does his business, I find a tree to sit under. "Sy, why is this happening? I thought BG and I had something going and then this bitch comes and ruins everything. I'm never going to get a happy ending," I whisper before tears start falling from my eyes. Sy whines and licks my tears away. I giggle and wrap my arms around him for a cuddle.

"Lexy?!" I hear someone yell. I jump and open my eyes to see that it's dark outside. Sy and I must've fallen asleep. "I'm over here," I call out. Brantley comes running. "Oh thank god, darlin'. I thought somethin' happened to ya," he tells me before scooping me up into his arms. I wrap my arms and legs around and hold him tight. "I'm fine. I'm sorry if I worried you. Sy and I fell asleep," I tell him apologetically. "That's alright, darlin'. Ya just scared me a little," he tells me before I slide down his body and place my feet on the ground.

"Scared ya a little? You came stormin' on our bus yellin' at the top of yer lungs about how Lexy was missin' and what if somethin' happened to her and how you'll never forgive yerself if she was hurt," Caroline rats Brantley out. I look at BG with a smirk. "Aw really?" I ask him sweetly. "Well yer like my best friend now," he tells me bashfully.

My face falls. Oh. Right. His best friend. Lovely. "Mah little sister!" Luke yells dramatically before picking me up in a bear hug. "Oh god darlin' I was about to kick BG's ass, but then I remembered that he's got muscles and I don't," Luke tells me. I can't help but to giggle and squeeze him back. "Oh man you're the best, Lukester," I tell him before giving him a noogie and running away. "Hey! No one messes up the do, darlin'!" he yells as he chases me.

Brantley walks back to the bus with me. We're both strolling along slowly with Sy walking in front of us. "Lexy, I miss us hangin' out like we used to. I know Jana can act like a spoiled princess sometimes," he says before seeing the look on my face. "Okay, a lot of the time. But you don't know her like I do, darlin'," he tells me. "Really BG? You're quoting your own song now?" I ask him with a shake of my head.

"It's fine. I get it. She's that one that you can't shake off. Do what you gotta do," I tell him before climbing onto the bus. "I told you she was fine, Brantley," Jana says annoyingly. God I can't stand this bitch's voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

Sy and I get in my bunk and close the curtain. I turn and face the wall as tears well in my eyes. How many times am I going to cry over this man. How many more times am I going to cry for ANY man?! I fall asleep with Sy snuggled against my legs.

~Next Night at the Concert~

"Hey y'all normally I would be playing another fast paced song right now, but I have a song that just needs to come out. How many of you ladies out there have wasted tears on a man? Yeah? And how many of you just wonder 'Why the hell am I wasting all these tears on you?' Thank you Miss Cassadee Pope for this next one," I finish saying into the mike before I begin to sing acapella.

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