Chapter 15

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I wake up to Brantley kissing my forehead. "Sweetheart, we're home," he whispers. "Mmm can you carry me?" I ask him groggily. "Sure can," he replies before lifting me gently in his arms. I snuggle against his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. A girl could definitely get used to this. I feel myself drift back off to sleep in his arms.

Someone is licking my cheek and it better not be Brantley. I open one eye to see Sy's tongue coming at me. "Ew Sy gross. I love you, but I don't want your saliva on me," I tell him with a giggle. "He missed ya, darlin'," BG says huskily as he lays down next to me. "I missed him too," I whisper. BG brushes my hair off my forehead and stares into my eyes.

"I made breakfast for you and Bean," he whispers. "Okay good cause I'm hungry," I tell him with a smile. He grins before getting out of bed. He leans over me and scoops me into his arms. I squeak because I wasn't expecting him to do that. "You know, you don't have to carry me everywhere. I mean if you want to, then that's just fine with me," I say with a grin. "I love havin' ya in mah arms. Besides, it's bed rest time for you. Only lettin' ya sit at the kitchen table for meals," he warns me. "Oh really?" I ask haughtily. "Yes, really. I don't want anythin' else happenin' on my watch," he tells me quietly. God I just wanna jump him. Oh my god! Bed rest means no sex! I'm going to die! It's been four months without BG and now I have to last two more weeks without BG loving?

"There's mah girl!" I hear Mama squeal as we walk into the kitchen. "Mama! I missed you!" I squeal back as Brantley places me in my seat. She hugs me tight and kisses my forehead. "How are you and the baby doin' now?" she asks as she pulls her chair close to me. "We're feeling much better. I finally had a decent night of sleep," I say to her while looking at Brantley. He just winks at me as he puts food on a plate for us. Mama gets up and smacks the back of Brantley's head. "Ouch. Mama!" he whines while rubbing his head. "It's yer fault she wasn't sleepin' right," is all she says before sitting back down and starting another conversation with me. I can't help but to grin at BG grumbling to himself as he moves about the kitchen.

"Brantley has some errands to run, sugar so I'm here to keep ya company today," she informs me. "Now I know what yer thinkin'. 'Oh no, a boring old lady,' but I brought girly romance DVDs and nail polish to polish your nails and toenails. Mary said she might stop by with TJ as well. We're gonna have a great day together, sugar." she tells me happily. "Mama, I would never think of you as boring. I always enjoy myself when you and I spend time together," I tell her earnestly. Mama grins really big at me before giving me a big hug. I love her hugs. Brantley is so lucky to still have her in his life. My mom would be glad that I've found someone to fill the mother role in my life.

"Now dat mah two favorite ladies are fed, I gotta head out now. I'm sorry, darlin'. My manager booked these interviews before I could say no and now I can't get out of 'em without lookin' like a jerk," he tells me before leaning over and kissing my forehead. "I'll miss ya every second," he whispers in my ear. I can't help but to close my eyes and begin to breathe heavily. Damn, this man cannot even whisper to me without turning me on. "Okay. Good luck," I manage to spit out. I think he's disappointed at my words. He was probably hoping for an 'I miss you' or an 'I'll count the hours that you're away'. Nope, not likely. He still has to earn his way back in.

"Okay then. I guess I'll see y'all later," he says quietly before kissing my belly and kissing mama's cheek. He leaves the room and I immediately feel bad. "Don't feel bad, sugar. He was a jerk to you for four months. Stay strong and make him pay for it a little," she tells me with a wink. I grin before finishing off my delicious breakfast.

An hour later, as mama and I are watching some girly movie in me and BG's bed, we hear the doorbell ring. Mama looks at me curiously. "I wasn't expectin' Mary and TJ until later," she tells me before getting out of bed. Five minutes later, she comes walking in with the biggest and most beautiful bouqet of flowers. "Oh they're so pretty," I squeal. "They're for you, sugar. We can probably guess who they're from," she tells me with a wink before handing over the card.

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