Chapter 13

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~ Two Months Later ~

I'm about twelve weeks pregnant now and I have a little baby belly. It's cute now, but I know I'm gonna get huge. I haven't seen Brantley since the tour ended. He has attempted to send me money in the mail. After I ripped up his checks, he started sending cash. I've been putting it in a container for the baby's college fund and emergencies. If he doesn't want to be here, then I don't want his money.

I've started back at the diner and it's killing me. Although touring is hard work and it's tiring, I'm three months pregnant now and being on my feet so much is killing my ankles. My boss has been great about letting me take breaks and sitting for a few minutes. I'm only three months though. How the hell am I going to do this when I'm seven or eight months? I know I shouldn't complain because women do this every day, but when it's you in this position, you want to complain.

The only good thing about this is I'm back working and living with Riah full time. She started dating this guy while I was on tour. She's been dating him for about five months now and things are looking pretty serious. The way they act around each other is so sweet. I love that she has someone to love, but it also makes me sad.

I miss Brantley, but I'm trying to keep it together. Now if my hormones would just listen to my brain. My newest craving is avocados. They're so creamy and they melt in my mouth. Riah said I turn her on when I eat them because I moan so much. I just smacked her and laughed.

Caroline Skyped with me last night. She's about sixteen weeks and her bump is bigger than mine, obviously. She's used to being pregnant though, so she lets me complain and vent to her. She's been another rock in my life, along with Luke. Those two are always asking me if I need anything or if I need money. They even sent me a gift card to Buy Buy Baby for $1,000. I screamed at them on the phone and told them that I am just fine and I can take care of my own baby. I don't want charity. I didn't get pregnant so that BG would pay for me. I'm not friends with the Bryans because of their money either. They used the excuse that they never got me a Christmas present and they told me to consider it an early birthday present. My birthday is coming up in two weeks, so I finally did accept the gift card. It really hurt my pride to use it though.

The next problem that I have to deal with is where am I gonna put this baby? Riah and I live in a two bedroom apartment. How are we going to fit a baby in there? And I also can't bother Riah with a crying baby. She is having none of it when I tell her that I'm moving out though.

"Listen, I think I have a solution to this problem," she tells me two days later. "Okay what is your solution?" I ask her as I snack on my avocado. "Jake asked me if I would move in with him," she whispers with a grin. "Oh my god! No way! Congratulations!" I squeal as we hug tightly. "Thanks! I really love him, Lex. He's my soul mate," she tells me seriously. "I'm really happy for you, sweetheart. No one deserves to be happy, more than you do," I tell her sincerely. "You deserve to be happy too, Lex," she tells me. "I am happy. Riah, you know I've always wanted to be a mommy. I'm getting my wish. I had hoped there would've been a man involved though so I could get some regular sex, but oh well. Things don't always work out the way you plan them," I tell her with a smile.

"I've been thinking though, Riah. Miss Becky is the baby's grandmother and she is always calling me to check up on her grandchild. I just feel really bad that she lives down in Georgia and won't get to see the baby that often," I tell her sadly. "I think I see where you're going with this, Lex. I don't like it, but if it's what's best for you and the baby, then I will support you even though I'll miss you!" she tells me with a pout. "Thanks Riah. That really means a lot. I mean, the baby only has one grandparent. It would be selfish of me to deprive my child and my child's grandparent of each other," I tell her logically. "Okay then let's talk to Miss Becky about finding you a job!" she says happily.

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