Chapter 11

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~Three Days Later~

Caroline and I said we were going shopping when we're really going to the doctors. We both wanted to confirm our pregnancies. I'm hoping my tests weren't accurate. Don't get me wrong, I love BG and I want kids, but I don't know if he wants them. I know he's a southern gentleman, but I don't want a man to be with me just because it's the right thing to do. I want a man to be with me because he doesn't want a life without me. I don't want him to think I did this on purpose just to keep him with me. I don't even know how this happened since I was on birth control.

"Alexandra D'Angelo?" the nurse calls my name. I take a deep breath before standing up and following her. Caroline is already getting checked out in another room. I'm in one of those gowns with the opening in the front, sitting uncomfortably, with my hands shaking. I hear a knock on the door and tell them to come in.

"Hey there Alexandra. I'm Dr. Andrews. It's very nice to meet you. How are you today?" the doctor asks me kindly. "I'm a little nervous, but it's nice to meet you too Dr. Andrews," I tell her. "Okay well it says in your chart that you took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. We can do a blood test just to confirm and we might be able to do an internal ultrasound. First, I'll check things like I normally would, so scooch down to the end of the table," she tells me as she washes her hands and puts on gloves.

"Well everything feels just fine. Let's try out that internal ultrasound," she tells me before wheeling over the ultrasound machine. "Okay, and there it is. That little, black bean is your baby. You're about four weeks pregnant," she tells me with a smile. As tears fill my eyes, she mumbles, "Let's see about a heart beat." I hear this rapid thumping and I start sobbing while staring at the screen.

The doctor writes me a prescription for prenatal vitamins and I head to the waiting area to meet Caroline. "Ready?" she asks softly. I nod and we get into the car. "Are you okay?" she asks. "Yes," I whisper as I stare at the ultrasound picture. "We'll stop at the pharmacy first so we can fill our scripts," she tells me. "Okay."

A few hours later, I'm cuddling with Sy in bed with BG's hoodie on. I'm rubbing my hand on my bare stomach under the hoodie. "What am I gonna do, Sy?" I ask him and he wimpers. "Darlin' whacha doin' layin' here wit Sy? Doncha wanna come to the bonfire?" BG asks as he comes to sit on the bed. "I'm feeling a little tired," I lie to him. "Are ya alright, darlin'? I feel like yer thinkin' hard bout somethin'," he admits. "I'm just a little homesick," I lie again. "Well maybe Riah could come visit ya," he tells me with smile. "Maybe," I say as I try to smile back. "Okay well I'm gonna just hang wit the guys for a little while longer," he tells me before giving me a soft kiss. "I love you, baby girl," he whispers in my ear before getting up and walking out the door.

I don't know what to do. I know I should tell him I'm pregnant, but we've only been officially together for about four months. I love him, but this man is afraid of commitment. I know he treats me like a princess and he obviously cares about me. I just don't want him to feel like I'm trapping him. I wish I knew how he was going to react. I'm having trouble acting normal around him. Every day it gets harder and harder not to tell him.

~ One Week Later: December 23rd ~

"Angel!" Brantley yells before picking his mama up in a bear hug. "I missed y'all so much!" she squeals before pulling me into a tight hug. "We missed you too, Miss Becky," I tell her genuinely. "Hey there Alley. Dere's mah other girl," he tells her as he kneels and pets her. It's cute how excited she gets when she sees him. I follow Miss Becky into the kitchen where she offers me a drink. "I'll just have some water Miss Becky," I tell her. "Sugar, ya look beautiful. Are ya usin' new make up or somethin'? You look like yer glowin'," she tells me. "Yeah, I'm trying a new blush and bronzer," I lie to her. "Well it's workin' for ya, girl," she tells me with a wink.

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