Chapter 16

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~ Lexy POV ~

The next day BG took us all out for breakfast at the diner in town. "Mmm pancakes!" I moan as a waitress walks by with a huge stack of pancakes. "Oh I want lots of whipped cream," Caroline moans. "Okay enough wit the moanin', ladies. There are other men here and they're noticin' y'all," Luke whispers. "I'll take 'em outside if dey so much as look at mah girl," BG growls while looking around the diner.

"Babe, stop. I'm not lookin' at them. I have my man right next to me," I whisper in his ear before giving him a soft kiss. "I can't wait to getcha back to the house," he whispers huskily in my ear. I giggle before leaning on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me. "Hey Jace, eyes off mah lady or I'll have to stomp yo' ass!" BG yells across the diner. "Oh my god! Baby, calm down!" I whisper urgently. I can feel BG's tense body and hear him growling in his chest. I feel my panties getting wet. Everything this man does, turns me on. I love when he turns all caveman.

"Baby, I need to pee, but I need help with my dress," I tell him him with a wink. He looks confused before I see his eyes light up. "Ohh. Hey Luke, Caroline. We'll be right back," he says before practically dragging me to the men's bathroom. He doesn't even look to see if anyone's watching us. He peeks in to see if anyone's in the bathroom. "We're all clear, baby girl," he whispers before dragging me in. He pulls me into the first stall and locks the door. He doesn't even let me take my panties off; he just rips them off of me. He flattens my hands against the wall while running his hands up my thighs and my ass. He gropes my ass cheeks before smacking my right globe.

"Ohh baby yes! Smack my ass," I groan. He growls before I hear his zipper unzipping and his belt hit the floor. "Dis gonna be quick, girl," he growls in my ear. He pulls my back flat against his chest. I feel his thick cock sliding in between my thighs. I moan as I feel his flesh rub in between my pussy lips and over my sensitive nub. "Brantley! Please?" I beg him. "Whacha want, baby girl?" he growls in my ear as he holds my throat lightly from behind. "I want your cock!" I moan before he slams into me from behind.

"Oh fuck yes! BRANTLEY!" I'm moaning so loudly that Luke and Caroline can probably hear us in the restaurant. "Yeah girl. Ya like it like dat," he whispers. "Oh I love it. Please make me come," I groan as BG picks up his pace. He leans me over further so my ass is sticking out more. The sound of his balls smacking against my ass, is echoing throughout the bathroom, along with my moans and BG's grunts.

I hear the door open, but I'm enjoying getting banged so much that I don't even care that someone is in the room with us. "What da fuck?" I hear before someone bangs on the door. "Who's in there?" I hear a man ask. "Get out!" BG yells. "Oh shit I'm gonna come!" I squeak. "BRANTLEY!" I squeal as I feel myself tense and my muscles clench around his cock. "Aw fuck, baby girl! I'm comin'!" he grunts as he shoots his come into me. We're both breathing heavily. He pulls out of me and I use toilet paper to clean myself up. BG stuffs my ripped panties into his jean pocket as he pulls his pants up and buckles his belt. He gives me a soft kiss and we're grinning like fools. He unlocks the door and Jace is standing right there with his jaw practically on the ground. "Mine," BG growls at him before pulling me out of the bathroom. I'm blushing bright red as BG leads us to our table.

"I need a cigarette after that," Caroline tells us with a grin while she fans herself. "Damn y'all are loud," Luke tells us as I hide my red face in BG's chest. He's holding me tightly to his chest as the waitress walks up with our food. "Perfect timin'," BG gloats. "You're a caveman," I whisper in his ear. "Ya loved it, so hush and eat. You and Baby Bean need the nutrients," he commands me. "Fine, but only because the baby needs it, not cause you told me to," I tell him with a glare as I move away from him on the bench. "Aw baby girl-" "No. You're not the boss of me, Brantley Gilbert," I tell him with an attitude.

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