Chapter 14

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~ Lexy POV ~

'God that man has a great ass' I think to myself as BG walks out the door. I'm gonna give him hell, but I'm still really horny. I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to hold out. If I gotta be around that man, I will cave. I can't let him know the affect he has on me. Must be strong, Lexy!

An hour later, I wake up to BG kissing the corner of my lips. "Hey dere. Didn't mean to wake ya, beautiful. I finally found a store open that had avocados. It's not so easy to find avocados at 2am," he tells me with a laugh. "Suck it up, Gilbert. I'm the one that had to buy my own avocados at 2am when you weren't here," I tell him angrily. The smile on his face falls and I almost feel bad for him, but then I remember the feeling of him walking out the door and I get angry again. "Yer right, darlin'. I'm so sorry," he apologizes as he takes my hand. When I don't pull away from him, he squeezes my hand and smiles. I can't help but to smile back at him.

God I missed him. This man is the one for me. How do I know that he won't walk out again though when things get tough? He was supposed to be the one person that would never leave me and he's already done that. He definitely has to prove himself to me. I'm gonna make him pay for hurting me.

"Why don't ya get some rest, baby girl? I'll be here when ya wake up. Promise," he tells me sweetly. "Okay, but first I gotta pee. Your child likes to press on my bladder," I tell him with a glare as he smiles while helping me out of bed. "I got it," I snap at him and pull my arm away from him. He backs away from me slowly with his head down. God now I feel bad for yelling at him. "I'm sorry for snapping. My hormones make me extremely emotional and moody. I don't mean half the things I do. Next, I'll be a sobbing mess," I try to explain to him. "Baby girl, I deserve everythin' ya throw at me," he says solemnly. "You're right. You do," I tell him angrily before stomping off into the bathroom. I hear him sigh and sit heavily in his chair.

"Oh I forgot about my avocados! I gotta eat at least one or the baby will kick me until I eat one," I tell him. "The baby kicks already?" he asks me eagerly. "Well I get flutters now and again. Baby Bean usually stops after I eat an avocado. Did you get salt and pepper for me to put on it?" I ask him with a pout. "It's all in the bag, beautiful. Here, I'll fix 'em for ya," he tells me before slicing them open with a plastic knife. He seasons each half and makes slices so it's easier for me to eat. "Mmm oh my fucking god, that's gooood," I moan as the avocado melts in my mouth. I hear BG groan in his seat. I open my eyes and see that he's breathing heavily as he stares at me intensely.

Oh god he looks so fucking sexy. Be strong, Lexy. Resist! Look away from him! I look down at my avocado and use my fork to scoop up some more. I really try to hold in my moan, but the baby makes me enjoy avocados so much that I can't help it. "Mmm these are soo good. I wonder if I'll like eating them even after I have the baby," I say as I continue to scoop more into my mouth. "Yer makin' 'em sound pretty appealin' to me, darlin'. I might start eatin' 'em," he tells me with a laugh. "Yeah sorry about that. Riah says that I could star in a porno with just my avocado moans," I grin. "The only porno you'll be starin' in, is one wit me," he tells me intensely. "BG, I'm in the hospital. Don't start somethin' ya can't finish," I tell him with a glare while he winks.

"We're gonna revisit dis situation, darlin' and next time, I ain't lettin' ya off so easy," he whispers before leaning over and brushing his lips against mine. I wasn't expecting him to do that so quickly. Aren't I supposed to be mad at him? Damn this man for using his sexiness against me. No matter how sexy he is, he still left me and his child alone. He needs to learn that is not okay. When times get hard, he can't just walk out of our lives. I won't have my child in an environment like that.

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