Whamilton - Sir 🔥

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A/N: I don't ship the real life thing just the fandom one from time to time. Alright no hate.


12. Dry humping
17. Almost getting caught
27. Public/inappropriate location
31. Punishment (kind of)
And possibly some other shit...

Alex sat in his office chair, spinning around in it as he thought about what the next move for the company should be. He had a meeting in a few minutes with his boss and other big figures in the company, and being him and wanting to impress his boss and colleagues, he had been refining his speech and thinking of new things to add since he was told about the meeting.

He huffed in mild frustration as he collected his folder, laptop, and got up to go to the meeting. He walked down the hallway, suddenly flushing as he walked in to see his boss sitting in there, along with two other men, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

"Oh, hello, Mr.Hamilton, come in, come in." George Washington, his boss, said as he waved for him to enter.

"Hello, Sir. How are you?" He asked, shuffling in and having some hair come loose from his ponytail.

"I'm good, thank you Hamilton." George smiled at him kindly before organizing his papers in front of him.

Alex would never admit it, but he did find his boss just a little bit attractive. He liked how his eyes displayed emotions, or lack thereof sometimes. He could show exactly what he was feeling or hide it away with just his eyes. He also had a wide frame, compared to Alex's small, almost scrawny frame.

But, he would never admit any of this, especially to the man himself, because what did he want to do, loose his job?

He snapped back to the present due to two more people walking in; Aaron Burr and James Madison.

"Alright, I guess we can get this meeting started." George clapped his hands. Alex sometimes wondered what those would feel like to just hold aside from a handshake.

He listened attentively, taking note of everything his boss said through his presentation.

"Does anyone have any input?" He asked, voice laced with authority.

"Y-Yes, sir." Alex stuttered out of nervousness.

"Alright, Alex, lets hear it."

"Well, t-to start off, I think we s-should invest in that company because they have..."

He was talking through his viewpoint while stuttering every time he made eye contact with his boss. He could tell it was one of those, 'I'm-not-showing-my-emotions' day, not being able to see what he thought about his speech.

"And this is why I-I b-believe we should invest in this new, rising company." He said.

"Very nice, Hamilton. Anyone else?" George asked, looking at the other men. He was met with some 'nopes' and grunts. "Well, I guess you could all go back to work then." George declared. All the men hastily got up to leave the room, seeming bored out of their minds. Alex was the last one going out, but he was stopped.

"Hamilton?" George called out quietly, only loud enough for him to hear. Alex spun around to look at George.

"Yes, sir?" He asked, trying to sound confident.

"May we have a word?" 'Oh no,' Alex thought. 'I screwed something up. I definitely screwed something up.'

Alex went to go towards George, but he said,

"Close the door." Alex complied, closing it before setting his things down on the wide, circular table and taking a seat.

"Yes, s-sir?" He asked, shrinking down a bit.

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