Screwing Up Big Time

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"That was a little harsh..." Fluttershy says, breaking the silence that has fallen since Dusk left.

I sigh, nodding. I went to far, we all did and now he's long gone, us not realizing how harsh we were until we got home. If we'd gone after him straight away we could sort this out easily but now...
"I know, Fluttershy," Raph says.
"I'm not sure how we can find him though." I add. "We hardly know him so we don't know where he'll go."
"I could organise a search party," Pinkie suggests. "I am the party expert after all." We all nod in agreement- except Dash.

"What if he is still working for Sombra?" she asks.
"I don't think he is..." Fluttershy comments, quietly. I nod in agreement- the forced expressionless look is one that I've used many times before and it was clearly hiding layers of emotion all to familiar to me- hurt, pain and sadness.

The girls head off to plan the search party- I look out the window.
"You Ok?" Raph asks.
"No.." I say. "I, of all people shouldn't have judged someone on their past. I should've heard him out but my temper got the best of me. Again."
"Same here," he admits, sighing. "Hopefully we find him soon so we can apologise."

We fall silent as we watch the rain through the window, as of Dusk would suddenly appear. Obviously not the case.

"Okay! I sent a group text to former members of Canterlot High who know about magic!" Pinkie calls cheerfully, "we've agreed to meet in the morning as it'll be harder to spot anything in this."

The rain continues to fall, night arriving. There's no moon and little stars tonight.

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