Wedding Bells

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I tap my foot impatiently.

Why do traditions decide that it's 'bad luck' for the bride to see the groom? It's annoying and quite frankly I can't see how seeing eachother will end the world or our relationship.
"Ya know..." Dash comments with a smirk "Fluttershy and I, if I ever get married, don't have to follow this tradition. It's not bad luck for the bride to see the bride." I roll my eyes at her, she just smiles and walks off to stand with Fluttershy: both of which are bridesmaids along with all the girls except Princess Twilight who  is her maid of honor. Garrett, obviously, is my best man. Dusk is invited to, which is easy dince he opted to live here rather in Equestria where he felt like he was never existed or was accepted.

Sunset walks down the aisle, looking beautiful in her dress, hair done up into a braid and her smile making her even more beautiful. The ceremony begins and I begin my vows - "I, Raphael Hamato, take you, Sunset Shimmer, to be my wife. I must say, if someone told my younger self that he would be dealing with dark magic, alternate dimensions, and talking ponies, he'd probably be asking that person what he was smoking. My dad always said, everything happens for a reason. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life wandering my Earth, sad and alone. But Celestia came for a reason. All of it happened, so that I could meet you. And now I'm glad that I can finally be with you. Sunset, you are the one that can calm the fire inside and turn my heart into a serene river. I will always protect you, keep you safe and warm, remain faithful, and always love you. You are my best friend, my hero, my redemption, my world, my sunshine, my Owari, and my love. I love you Sunset Shimmer, and I'm happy that I can be your husband."

She blushes deeply then says hers- "I, Sunset Shimmer, take you, Raphael Hamato, to be my husband. If I hadn't met you I know how bad my life would have ended. Because of you I realized that I was cared for and loved and I will always love you for that and being my hero and everything. I will always love you."

When they say "you may now kiss" I don't hesitate, barely hearing the girl's enthusiastic cheers.

@TonyGarcia348 wrote Raph's vows to Sunny not me. Clearly as they're good and romance aint a strong point of mine.

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