Chapter six

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Months later

"I love you" I said looking at David's grave next to Alex's.

"Mom, he's a superhero now like mommy" Emma smiled remembering how David thought of Alex. I smiled and put my arm around Emma.

"We'll be okay Emma." I said looking at her.

"We will be okay" Emma said.

A Couple Months later

"So your just leaving?" Kelley asked as she followed me upstairs to my room.

"I can't take it anymore" I yelled at Kelley. "She just left, no sign, no warning!" I stoped and stood in the hallway looking at Kelley.

"Okay calm down" Kelley said. "You-"

"You calm down!" I raised my voice.

"Dude I am calm" she said looking at me. "Your the one who's acting crazy, listen maybe you should-"

"Kels, she left. Everyone leaves, no warning, no sign what so ever, alex did, she left to heal! Away from me, from her family, that had to be with her though that hard time. She wanted to be away? Alone? That's-" I said only to be cut off my Kelley.

"Only she knows why she did what she did" Kelley said.

"And then christen comes into my life and we try to have something going and then when I need her to be by my side she has something to say about Alex and then David-" I took a deep breath. "Was taken away, and then she left and I can't find her. Christen left!"

"Maybe because you pushed her away. She was here with you through everything's and you have became this stubborn self centered person that you cause everyone to pull away from you. She however stood by you through everything till you caused her to leave.!" Kelley raised her voice

"I want to know what she had to say about Alex. We never talked about her while we hanged out or anything and suddenly then she wants to talk about her?! What the heck!"

"Tobs" kels said "did you hear anything from what I just said?"

"I just, I had enough already" I said and went to my room to get my things ready.

"So did I" Kelley said and then I heard the front door  shut.

"Mom Where are going?" Emma asked standing outside my room.

"New Jersey" I replied packing my stuff.

"I don't want to go" Emma said.

"Well it's not up for discussion" I said getting my clothes and putting them in the luggage.

"Mom, I don't want to leave"

"Emma" I said looking at her. "Pack your stuff because we're leaving whether you want to or not."

"I don't want to leave mom!" Emma raised her voice. "Because Alex is here and so is my brother, my gramma is here and friends and family and I don't want to go back to New Jersey"

"We're not going to stay over there okay?" I said calming walking to Emma. "It's like a little get away trip, we'll be back" I said pulling my hand on her shoulder.

"I don't want to go back to our house in New Jersey" Emma said and started crying.

"What's this really about my love?" I asked embracing her.

"That's where David and I grew up, where we lived with Alex, where we were a happy healthy family. And I'm not ready to face it to accept that it won't ever be like that." Emma said in between tears.

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