Chapter eight

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Emma's POV

"Promise me your going to call me when the plane lands and ever day for the next two months okay?" Tobin said as she gave me my backpack before i left to London.

"Mom, I'll be okay. Don't worry" I said taking the backpack. "Can you do me a favor though?"

"What's up?" Mom said concurred.

"Go visit mom, and David" I said looking up at her. "We haven't gone to see them in a while. Gramma and I went to visit them when you went out with christen. I took some flowers, I'm pretty sure they died already can would you take them some more? Make sure they always have nice, pretty flowers. Please."

I had to keep Tobin distracted while I was gone. We have never been apart and I mean she's been through a lot. She's scared, I am too but I'm happy to get away for a bit. Mom should feel happy too. Of course I don't want to leave though, Tobin has been through so much pain way to many times. I'm scared if I'm not here to keep her in check she'll fall into depression or something. I have to keep her busy for the next two months.

"Of course love, I was actually planning to go tomorrow" Tobin smiled.

"Emma, have fun, and be careful yeah?" Christen said taking my away from my mom.

"Yes ma'am" I said confused.

"I know your worried about her, because you two have never been apart like this. Trust me I'll keep her in check, I'm here for her. You have fun with your gramma and enjoy the convention because despite what your mother says, they are fun! It's okay Emma, to have some time for yourself. It's okay to be a teenage and not an adult yet. Leave that too me, she's in good hands, I promise." Christen said looking at me

"Thank you" I said hugging her without a warning, soon I felt her hug me back and I knew Christen meant good.

"Emma, love we need to start boarding the plane" gramma said, I pulled away from christen and she gave me a small nod. I walked over to my mom.

"Okay mom, I'll call you and text you when I can. Okay?" I said and she nod her head. "I love you"

"I love you too, both of you" She said hugging my gramma and I.

We got our luggage and started making our way to board the plane.

Tobin's POV

"Hey, she's going to be okay." Christen said holding my hand. I gave her a small nod, and gave her my full attention. "I guess it's just us two for the next two months huh"

"I guess your stuck with me for that long" I smiled.

"I'm blessed" Christen laughed, I leaned in and kissed her soft lips.

"You are" I said pulling away. We left the airport and headed back to my house. The car ride was nice, there was low music playing, once in a while I would glance over to christen who was driving and smiled.  So happy she's here. Once we arrived to my house, I invited Christen inside, we decided we would watch a movie and order pizza.

"You ever miss playing soccer?" Christen asked while she opened the bottle of wine.

"I do, all the time." I said taking out a box of movies that we had saved.

"What about the national team? Do you miss it?"

"Of course, I miss traveling, and the world cups, and training camps, I miss the team."

"Why don't you go back if you miss it?"

"I retired, I don't think you can retire from your retirement" I laughed causing Christen to smile.

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