Chapter fourteen

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Kelley and Sydney insisted on coming home with us because they wanted to see Alex. After many annoying hours I said it was fine and Kelley brought her wife Karla along and Syd brought her husband Dom and their son Cassius.

"Mom can I go with Cassius on our way home?" Emma said and then looked at Cassius.

"Your going to let me to drive alone?" I said with a smile, I nod my head. Once we arrived back in LA, I noticed a familiar face waiting for us.

"Hey Alex" Emma said running up to Alex once she noticed her as well.

"That's her" Syd said to me. "That really is her, she's just alive and standing there."

"Hi Emma" alex said wear some sunglasses and a hat to cover her face but there was no way that anyone wouldn't notice her.

"Alex?" I said shaking her hand. "I didn't know you were coming to the airport"

"I wanted to pick you guys up, I hope that's okay?" Alex said greeting me back.

"Yeah yeah it's fine, there are a couple people that want to see you" I said looking at Kelley and syd and their families.

"Hi Alex, I'm Kelley and this is my wife Karla. you might not remember us but we are best friends, and I really missed you a lot." Kelley said introducing herself.

Alex stared at Karla for a minute and then smiled and greeted both of them.

"It's nice to meet you, i have heard a lot of stuff about you Kelley, I'm so sorry I can't remember who you all are but thank you for coming. And congratulations on your wedding." Alex said and then greeted Sydney and her family. It seemed as if Alex didn't want to be greeting people. I looked at her trying to see if I could understand but I didn't.

"There is a lot of people outside" Alex said looking at me.

"We imagined" Emma said putting on her earphones.

"Usually they just ask me how I'm doing or if I plan on making a comeback or what's new but this time they are going to ask about you, because the whole world knows your not dead" I said telling alex.

"I just went to the park, to get some sun. I haven't been outside in so long, I'm sorry i just wanted to get some sun" Alex said crying.

"Hey hey, it's okay. That's not a problem, its not your fault none of this is, it's all okay." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Well So what do we do about the people," Alex said, playing dumb.

"We just walk pass them and no one says anything" I said after Emma was leading the way. Alex followed and so did everyone else. Alex was right though there was a ton of media. Camera flashing and people shouting. Thankfully there was some security that helped us get to the cars faster. Once in the car, I took the drivers side and Alex the passenger seat. I turned to look at who else was in the car but it was just us too.

"Are you okay?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah, look I'm sorry I made this a mess for you guys" Alex said "I didn't mean to, I just wanted to get on a soccer field, it's been so long. I didn't know there was any media around, I should of stayed home"

"No you didn't, people were going to find out one way or another." I said driving. We were both silent till I looked at her. "Alex, I'm sorry if it was too much bringing Kelley and syd."

"No it's fine whatever" Alex said looking at the window. "I mean its not like you can send them back huh? its fine, Now I just have to act like I don't know them and that's going to be hard because I want to talk about Kelley's wedding and the fact that she married Karla! Karla was the person I was with after leaving you. We weren't together together, i wasn't cheating but I was always with her, she was my person." Alex stayed quiet realizing what she said. "I'm sorry tobin, you were my person, are my person you know me better then anyone but karla was different."

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