Chapter Eleven

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"Are you Tobin Heath?" Her raspy voice said.

I looked at her, taking in every detail of her face. Her eyes looked tired. She had a messy hair, she was wearing a long old turtleneck. Her words kept replaying in my head. Are you Tobin Heath?

Of course I'm Tobin Heath!
We were married!!
You were my wife!
You were dead!

I shook my head and stayed silent. Then I heard footsteps coming.

"Tobin, who's at the door love?" I heard Christen ask. Her voice getting closer and closer to me. "Oh my god" Christen gasped covering her mouth. "Alex?"

"Tobin?" Alex looked straight to me. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I had so many questions, so many things I had to say to her. However I said nothing. I stayed quite observing Alex.

"I don't want to disturb you and your family." Alex began to say.

"You died" I kept mumbling. "You had cancer, you died, your not real." I kept telling myself.

"Someone told me you could help me, I just want to talk" Alex said.

"About what." Christen asked. I turned to look at her with a serious face expressions. Who was she to question someone who I loved that apparently came back from the dead???

"Who said I could help you?" I asked curiously.

"My mother, please I need you to come with me to her house." Alex said. "She told me where to find you and said to tell you to come with me to know the truth."

"Is this some sort of joke?" I asked confused. I looked at christen. "Pinch me, because this is a freaken crazy dream right?"

"I promise you it's not joke, please hurry we don't have much time" Alex begged.

"You were with your mother all this time?" I said feeling a sharp pain in my chest.

"Tobin I just want to talk" Alex said. "Please come to with me to see my mother"

"I have a flight" I replied

"She's very ill" Alex voices cracked. "She might not last the night"

"Tobin" Christen grabbed my arm. "We're leaving in 30 minutes to the airport. Emma doesn't know she's here. Alex doesn't know who the hell we are, you don't know if she's lying to you."

"Why don't you leave? To the airport with emm? Go meet up with Kelley." I said looking at her. "I'll meet you guys over there before the wedding."

"It's in 3 days" Christen said. "You better be at that wedding."

"I'm going upstairs to talk to Emma really quick" I told Christen. I looked at Alex and greeted her inside the living room. "You can wait here, I'll be back shortly" I said and then went upstairs to find Emma leaving her room with her luggage.

"Mom" I heard Emma said

"Hey baby" I said hugging her tight.

"What's going on mom? Why do you have that look"

"What look?"

"Like you seen a ghost." Emma said.

"I love you Emma." I told my daughter.

"I love you too mom." Emma replied confused

"I need you to prepare yourself, I know you'll never forgive me if I keep this a secret from you which I won't. Although I don't know what your reaction will be. Love, I just need you to please be prepared for who is downstairs."

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