Chapter 9: Was It Really Tested?

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Later that afternoon, I was standing inside my room and started pacing back and forth. I have been debating with myself if I should call Lucas right to ask him or tell him directly in the face.

Damn it, he could be cheating on me at this moment! But what else can I do? I am pregnant with our first child and how do I manage to do these things without worrying too much. Stress is bad for the baby and this thing with my husband is killing me.

Honestly, this is the least thing that I would worry about. I never thought I would come to the point that I am afraid that Lucas is cheating on me.

I want to slice his throat but at the back of my mind, I want to believe that he is not having an affair with Silvia. My hand is itching to take my phone and call him.

There was a sudden knock on my door that woke me back to my senses and break my deep thoughts. It opens and Nate’s head pops out on the corner. I scoffed and sat down at the edge of my bed. “What do you want now?”

“Dad is attending a party tonight, he wants you to accompany him and Mom.” He told me, stepping inside as his eyes roam around the room. “It’s been three years too since I last entered your room.”

“Jeez Nate, it is creepy for me to know that my older brother is inside my room.” I groaned and raised myself to stand. “And why should I come with him? If Mom is coming with him then I can refuse to go.”

Nate shrugged. “I don’t know, he just told me to inform you. And knowing Dad, he won’t take no for an answer.” He crossed his arms and studied my face. “You okay?”

I snorted and rolled my eyes while I throw my phone on my bed. “Well, thanks for asking me, Nate. I just find out that my husband is probably cheating on me with my arch nemesis. Yeah, I’m okay.” Sarcasm filled my tone.

“Well, just making some short conversation. I need to make up from the mistakes I had done to you. Guess, I want to regain your trust again and treat me like your older brother like before.” He smiled sweetly and chuckles. “You know, I am always on your side.”

I sigh and let out a small laugh. “Nate, what I am encountering right now is not like my teenage problems when I’m with you. This is serious and it is about my marriage with the man that I loved more than my life.”

It is really painful just to think of Lucas right now. What if’s are filling my mind. What if he is really cheating on me? What if those pictures are not true? What if those kisses meant nothing at all? What if they were just friends and…needs to kiss? Or…what if…what if this marriage means nothing to him anymore?

Crazy thoughts are coming in and one of them are probably true. “What if he is really cheating on me and he finds comfort more with her than me? Because my life has been really difficult, Nate. We have been hiding always and maybe he grew tired of me.”

Nate came closer to me and place a hand on top of my head. “What if he doesn’t?”

I raise my head to look at his gentle blue eyes. “Just go up to him and ask that it straight in the face? If it turns out that he is cheating on you, then break things with him.”

His statement made me scoff and punch his chest. “It’s not that easy, dumbass.” I groaned and crossed my arms. “What we had is something that you won’t understand, okay?” my voice raised a little. “I love him, Nate. I never been happier in my life when I’m at his side. He proved to me how fortunate I am and all he did…was show me the love and support that I always longed for. Marrying him is the best thing that happened to me. So knowing that he has another girl in his arms right now, is killing me, Nate. You understand that?! It’s painful and it’s killing me.” More tears falls down my cheeks and I am wailing.

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