Chapter 11: Pick Two Paths

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It's been a month since the last talk I had with Lucas. It has been pure nightmare without him but it is still painful evertime that I would think of the state of our relationship right now.

I keep on longing for his voice, his eyes, his touches and his love. I miss him terribly and it pains me too much causing me for my depression to get wors each passing day. It's like, whenever the thought that Lucas cheated on me is a toxic, worsening me. We only gave each other space but that doesn't totally mean that we are going to end this. I still haven't thought about if I must forgive him or leave him completely.

I just can't stay like this forever.

Now that I'm back with my family, of course I have to make up at the times that I lost. They wanted me to come and have breakfast with them every morning, of course I didn't, join them whenever they are at the hotel and they never want me to mention Lucas's name. 3 years is long enough to say that I changed and grow more independent but they do not seem to care about that. They will continue to try and put a collar on my neck so I would obey them.

Mom is very careful whenever opening the topic of Lucas, maybe she worries that I might go insane. But Dad, he was straightforward as always. Nothing new about that so I have to deal with his comebacks and blames. I must expect the worst but I'm relived that they are not forcing me stay here.

One morning, I was having breakfast with Mom and Dad near the pool at the hotel. To be in fact, this is the third time that I only had breakfast with them. I never left my room since I came here and I would only come down if I am going to eat and other than that, never. My room is the only place I want to be in it and I don't want to hang around with someone. I just want to be alone.

"I am very happy that you joined us for breakfast, Talia. I really am." Mom smiles at me as we eat.

I replied her with a small smile before digging my fork into my blueberry and strawberry waffles before slicing it and putting it in my mouth.

Even until now, I haven't told them about the baby. I don't know but I don't want to tell them yet because Lucas really deserves to know it first. My parents might go buzzard when they found out it was his child. I'm scared for the baby and I want to gave birth and gave him a complete family. Not like this.

We don't even have a proper house, a proper job and I don't have a proper husband. Great.

Just a few moments by, Nate came in and joined the breakfast as well. He sat next to me and the waiters quickly served him his meal. Probably the meal he always requested because I didn't saw them asking him what he wanted.

"So, what's the commotion here?" Nate asked, slipping a white napkin on his lap before proceeding to eat. He is already in a business attire and I'm still surprised to see him like this. Looks like he was serious when he said that he will handle his responsibly now. "Good morning, lil sis. Its good to finally have you join us for breakfast." He warmingly smiles which I returned.

"Getting out of my room once in a while might be a good change." I mumbled, looking at him.

"Well, make it a habit. You must join us for breakfast every day, honey. Let us bond together now that we all complete." Mom was very delighted and it is very obvious. Her eyes are sparkling and her smile cannot be wiped off. "We should go out and have a family vacation? Come on, we can go to Greece or in Paris like you always wanted, Talia. What do you say?" he turns to Dad then us.

A family vacation? This is a first. We never had a family vacation.

"We can't. I have a lot of work to do this week and the following 2 weeks." Dad answered with a serious face.

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