Chapter 30: Something Unique

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9 am in the morning, I'm still at the hospital.  Dad is confined inside his room with all those apparatuses attached to him. Ever since he had that heart attack, he wasn't able to get back to his normal state and it is starting to scare me. I've been in this hospital for hours and the doctors are still treating him. We have done many procedures already but the doctors still has not given us the proper answer to all of our worries.

I'm literally sitting with my hands both covering my head as I lean down on my knees. This is my fault in the first place. He's not in his best condition yet I attacked him like that. I'm the worst daughter and I'm guilty for it.

"Darling, stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault." Mom told me softly while rubbing my back.

"Not my fault? Mom, it is obviously my fault in the first place." I snapped,jumoing off the hospital chair and started pacing back and forth.

Mom's shoulder drops, she is having a hard time to deal with my emotions right now. I know she is trying to make me feel better but even if you put the whole situation in rewind, Dad and I got into the fight worse than it should be. My whole body is cold and I'm started to worry for my Dad. Which barely happens because I don't usually care about him.

"Look Talia, I'm not pointing my fingers at any of you. We all know that your Dad is not his best behavior and condition so somehow he knows this will happen if he pushed himself." Mom told me with so much gentleness. "The doctors already talked to me a while ago."


"They told me that your father will not last long. This is his third heart attack and there is a high risk to survive that especially at his age." Mom replied, patting the seat next to him for me.

I let out a deep sigh before sitting my ass back down. I bit my lower lip and let the news process within me. A very unknown feeling scourges within me. My Dad is dying and is something that I wasn't prepared for. For everything he did to me, I'm still here crying for him. All the love that I hid at the deepest part of my heart comes flowing out. It was hard to forgive and forget what he has done for me and it is obvious that he is not the best father that every little girl dreamed for but, I have many moments with him when I was a kid. All good and it turned bad when I decided to study first in Paris then I chose the man I love to leave him.

All these time, he keep saying that he only wants the best for him but I never saw it. Because I was too busy to try and prove to him that I can make my own decision and choose the path I want.

Mom keeps rubbing my back as I cry softly.

My head rises up when Mom's suddenly stopped moving. My head turned to the direction of her eyes and I'm surprised to see Lucas walking through the hospital hallway.

Then everything in me just feels soft and smooth upon seeing him.

He's here

I stood up and go to him as fast as I can, to envelope myself with his arms. I wanted to be in his arms badly.

He hugged me back and he read the air so he didn't ask anymore questions.

"What are you doing here? You have work!" I asked while sniffing.

Lucas raised his hand to wipe some tears on my cheeks before wrapping his arms around my back. "A husband must be by his wife's side especially at this part. I know you are feeling down and I just need to be here with you."

Mom raises from her seat as well and approached us. I sense how Lucas became stiff as she gets closer. Well, she is one of the person who thinks ill of him before but maybe this is the start of a few changes in our life. A brand new chapter.

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