Chapter Thirteen

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Guys I've been so busy today working on my car, messed up my back, my brother had my transmission fall on his eye and luckily his shatterproof glasses kept him from literally going blind. Hit him so hard he has a cut on the side of his eye by his nose and it's literally a cute from his glasses hitting his face. My Dad was lifting my transmission and  is in the hospital now because he messed up his ribs. I worked on the car with them from 8AM to 6PM nonstop, I got dinner, and just got home from the hospital.

Sorry I haven't posted, I've been super busy but you guys are good readers so I'll post three chapters at once


I toss an old receipt in the trash can and grab the hose to the vacuum, cleaning up the car.

What does Liam do? Drag his feet through the mud and then get in the car?

I go to the back seats of his truck and pick up some more trash, and then I climb into the bed after getting a two step ladder.

I vacuum up the leaves and dirt, and then I get out of the truck and shut the tailgate.

I go around to the drivers side and clean the drivers seat and floor, and do the same in the back.

It looks good.

Nodding to myself, I shut the doors and lock the truck.

I don't know what happened, but the baby is due in three days and all the sudden I have so much energy.

He was kicking the crap out of my ribs this morning and woke me up, so I go up, showered, got dressed, make breakfast for the household, and then l cleaned up from breakfast all before seven in the morning.

Sofie and Mason are at work and Liam has orientation for his new job in Portland.

I told him to take my car because his truck needs new brakes and we just haven't found the time or the money to get them.

He was going to stay at Advanced Auto Parts through my pregnancy and then start at his company, but his boss talked to his brother-in-law who agreed to let Liam start early and go on paternity leave when the time comes.

Today is his first official day and I am so happy for him.

I drag the vacuum back into the house and star vacuuming the whole house, in Sofie and Mason's bedroom, too.

I put the vacuum away when I'm done and begin to clean the bathroom, scrubbing the tub and the sink and the toilet. I mop the floors after I sweep, and then do the same thing to the other bathroom.

I haven't had this much energy in so long.

I sweep and mop the kitchen, and then I get the trash and start throwing out expired food.

All of the bending and the moving is making my back start to hurt.

I'm due in three days, so I should probably go relax for a while.

I grab a bag of crackers and walk into the living room, sitting down on the couch.


I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen pull me out of sleep.

I wince and push open my eyes.

What the hell?

I sit up, looking down at my baby bump.

That's weird.

I finished cleaning and sat down with some crackers, ate almost the whole bag, and then fell asleep.

I look at the time on the cable box.

It's three thirty in the afternoon.

Liam doesn't get off until five and he has an hour and a half drive home, Sofie doesn't get off until nine, and Mason doesn't get off until five thirty.

I feel the pain subside and nod to myself.

It's definitely just cramps from eating all of those crackers.

I make my way to the bathroom to do my business, and then I wash my hands and brush my teeth, rubbing my belly on the way to the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and sit down at the table.

When I sit down, the cramp comes back.

I put my hand on my belly and sigh uncomfortably.

When the belly pain fades, I feel a little bit of pain in my back.

I take a couple sips of water and go back to the living room, grabbing my phone off the counter when I do.

I'm due in three days and Liam and I still haven't chosen a baby name.

I start searching some baby names, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

I rest my arms on my belly as I scroll through some, but the pain comes back again.

I sit there for a second as it slowly feels stronger and stronger.

I mean, this could've been going on for hours. I slept for four hours.

I run my fingers through my hair.

Do I text Liam? He's at work and if I tell him something might be wrong, he's going to come running home on his first day there.

I shake my head.

No, I'm not telling him anything until there's something to tell.

I open Instagram and start going through baby pages, pausing when I get a text from my Mom.

Mom: I'm so excited to meet my grandbaby. Have you and liam chosen a name yet???

Me: no we cant decide between George, Isaac, and Edward

Mom: I mean if it was the right name you wouldn't have to decide. I didn't pick your name until I held you in my arms

Me: yeah I guess

The pain in my belly comes back, this time strong enough to make me let out a small noise of pain and clench my phone in my hand.

Mom: are you sure you don't want me to bump the flight? You and Noah were both early for me. He could come any day now. Just because you're due on the 5th doesn't mean he has to come on the 5th

I glance at my phone. The pain subsides, and then I feel a stronger pain in my back.

I shake my head to myself.

Something is wrong. This isn't normal.

I stand up and feel warmth exit my body.

I look down and see my gray sweatpants turning dark gray.

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself.

I reach down and touch it, but it doesn't smell like urine.

I try to clench my muscles, but it won't stop coming out.

No, this isn't urine.

I look at my phone and then at my baby bump, and then I text my Mom back.

Me: you should probably come now

Mom: why?

Me: my water just broke




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