Chapter Twenty Nine

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This chapter has a time skip and is also THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK

Book four will be up eventually


December 25th, twenty three days later

I sit on the couch with a mug of coffee as I watch Liam and Noah help Matthew and Theo open their Christmas presents.

I catch myself taking a million photographs.

Unpacked boxes were pushed to the corners of the house or moved to the basement, and Liam and I spent the first few days getting the new house ready for Christmas.

We cleaned every inch of the house, got a big Christmas tree and decorated it.

The fireplaces crackles and I smile, taking a sip of my coffee as I watch my son stare at the lights on his new toy.

"I think he likes it," Liam smiles at me.

"So do I," I nod in agreement.

On that Friday that Liam took off, we went and toured that beautiful house I found and fell in love with it.

Friday afternoon, we made an offer, and it was accepted the day after that.

That next Thursday was the inspection, and the Monday after that was the appraisal. On the same day of our appraisal for this house, we got an offer in at our old house.

With Sofie and Mason finding a house shortly after we did, the four of us accepted the offer.

We all had the same realtor, so he worked it out that we closed in the morning at our old house, in the afternoon at Sofie and Mason's new house, and in the evening at Liam and I's new house.

The next day was spent moving all of Sofie and Mason's stuff from our old house to their new one, and the day after was spent moving Liam and I's stuff from our old house to our new one.

We have been here for three days, and we have spent the last three days running around like crazy people trying to unpack the kitchen and living room to get the house ready for guests.

My parents insisted on coming for Christmas because they wanted to be here for their grandbabies first Christmas.

So Noah, Aria, Matthew, Sofie, Mason, my Mom and my Dad, all slept at Liam and I's very messy, all boxed up, pretty much completely not unpacked house last night.

Now it's Christmas morning and seeing my baby with his Daddy is making me so happy.

Theo coos excitedly and slams his toy against the wood floor excitedly.

And then he looks at Liam, grins, and says "Dada!"

"Oh my god, did he just-" Liam looks at me.

"He said Dada!" I exclaim, moving down to the floor. I take his little hands. "Is he Dada?" I ask, pointing to Liam.

He stares at me for a minute and then looks at Liam.

"Little bear, am I Dada?" Liam asks him.

Everyone is watching us.

Theo puts his fingers in his mouth for a moment.

"Dada." He repeats.

"Oh my god!" I start laughing.

Liam kisses my cheek.

"I can't believe it. He said his first word!" I say happily as he kisses my cheek.

Theo smiles, and I feel my heart swell with warmth.

He's so happy.

We sit there and talk to him for a couple more minutes, and then I smile, because it's time to give Liam his gift.

We pick up the children and the paper.

"Okay Buddy, it's time for your present." I say excitedly.

"Uh oh." He smiles nervously, rubbing his hands together. "What is it?"

I hand my son to Sofie and wipe my hands on my Christmas pajama pants.

"Well I got you a lot of stuff, but they all go together," I say.

"Okay, but what is it?" he asks excitedly.

He loves presents and he always turns into a little kid on Christmas.

I love it.

Smiling, I slip out of the living room.

"Babe!" he calls after me. "What about my present?"

"Just stay there!" I call back to him.

I start recording on my phone as I open the garage door.

A little golden revriever with a pink bow around her neck comes scurrying into the house.

I rush after her.

Liam sees me before he sees her, but she runs around the back of the couch.

"No!" he gasps. "No, oh my god, are you serious?"

The baby girl starts to sniff around.

"Savannah, is this a fricken joke? A puppy? You got me a puppy?"

"It's not a joke." I smile.

She stops right in front of him.

"Oh my god, hi!" he exclaims, reaching out to pet her.

She puts her tiny paws on his chest and licks him.

"Savvy, you swear it's not a joke?" he asks. "She's really ours? You promise?"

I walk over to him and stick out my pinkie finger.

"Oh my god." He looks like he might start crying.

He stands up and wraps me in his arms, physically lifting me off the floor and burying his head in my shoulder.

The family doesn't understand why this is such a big deal, but this little girl, this bundle of fur, is a huge step in our relationship.

Because we're married now, and we have a child together. We just bought our big dream house, and now we have the puppy.

"Thank you," he pulls back and kisses me on the lips.

"Merry Christmas, Buddy." I say, and he reaches up to brush a tear off of my cheek.

Because I never thought I would get this far.

And if I'm only twenty three and my life is this good, what's in our future?



Also again THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER of this book

Book four will be around soon


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