Chapter 32

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"What are you going to name her?" Charlie asked as I held our new baby girl.

She had bright green eyes and dark brown hair, just like me. The baby had Maks' smile and dimples, a perfect mixture of both of us.

"Lidiya Ann?" Maks suggested, I shook my head.

"Isabella Rose? We liked that one."

"That's not her name. Neither of them are her names." I said sadly.

"Maybe we can help." Sharna said, motioning towards Tanith, Charlie, and Val.

"Yeah that might work." Maks sat down next to me and the baby.

"Yuliya Sierra?" Val suggested and Maks and I shook our heads.

"Elissa Faith?" Sharna suggested.

"It's pretty, but it's not her." I was starting to get frustrated.

"Nicola Maria?" Tanith smiled and I shook my head.

"Vera Lynn? You've always like that name." Charlie ran his fingers through his now short hair.

"Oksana. Oksana Marie Chmerkovskiy." I whispered quietly, looking at our precious baby girl.

"That's her name!"

2 Days Later:

"We're home!" I rejoiced as Maks carried Oksana through the door and unbuckled her car seat. Ever since she was born, he hadn't held her once.

"Why don't you pick her up?" I asked him and he was silent for a moment.

"I'm just not ready to hold her yet." Maks carried our bags upstairs, leaving me with Oksana.

"Why won't your daddy hold you? Who could resist holding you? You are so precious!" Oksana smiled as I picked her up out of her car seat, still feeling sore from the C-section.

I fed her and soon placed her carefully in her crib. It was almost 8 o'clock at night and I wanted to establish a routine. After turning on the monitor, I got ready for bed and soon fell asleep.

2 AM

I heard Oksana crying, loudly.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, noticing that Maks wasn't in bed with me. Turning over to look at the camera on the monitor, I realized that Maks was standing at Oksana's crib. He was nervous.

After a while, Maks slowly reached down into the crib and placed his huge hands around her tiny head and body. I smiled, knowing that he was doing this just because I asked him. Maks started to smile slightly as Oksana's crying became quieter and her head was nestled in the crook of his elbow.

"Wow, this is strangely easy." I head Maks whisper to her.

"Hi, baby girl. Why are you waking mommy up? She needs to rest and so do you." Maks smiled and spoke to Oksana in a sweet voice.

After changing her, instead of lying her back in her crib, I heard Maks' footsteps coming towards the bedroom. Quickly getting back into my sleeping position, I waited for Maks to sit down.

"Shh, mommy is sleeping. It's just you and me tonight." He turned on the bathroom light, lighting up the room. As he slowly walked over to the bed, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

'Cartoons' I thought.

Maks sat on the bed with Oksana in his arm, watching cartoons.

"You see, that's Buggs Bunny and Porky Pig. They're pretty cool guys. Hopefully you'll like cartoons as much as I did when I was little." Oksana giggled.

"God you're cute." Maks tickled her feet, making her laugh more. As they were sucked into their show, I quietly grabbed my phone and took a picture. I completely forgot that my ringer was on and it made a noise.

"What are you doing up?" Maks smiled.

"What are you doing watching cartoons at 2:30 in the morning with our three day old daughter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He just chuckled, pulling me close to him and Oksana.

Soon all three of us dosed off, occasionally hearing Buggs Bunny.

Finally, it was just our 3 hearts, beating as one.

The end.

3 Hearts: A Sequel to An Unknown RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now