|Oh Boy...| Ch. 7

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" C'mon! Give it back! "

You were currently running around the perimeter of the living room, chasing after Cherry as he made a mad dash behind the couch, a long fluffy scarf in his grasp. You had been getting ready to go outside and get the mail when you realized you couldn't find your scarf, and ended up that Cherry had taken it while you were zipping up your coat. Now you were trying to get it back from him, you didn't understand why he stole it in the first place. All you knew is that the stinker was fast. Faster than you when you hear free candy. Actually...- Eh. He was faster than you, that's for certain.

" Please? I have to go check the mail. " You kneeled down on one side of the couch, reaching your hand behind it, waving it aimlessly, even though you knew you wouldn't be able to reach him. " I call anarchy! This isn't fair! " You hollered, watching as Cherry flung himself out from behind the other end of the couch, making a mad dash towards your open door. Where was Blue in this whole situation you ask? Well, he was sitting on the entertainment center beside the t.v, watching the havoc ensue. What a fence sitter...

" Blue! Help me- Owe! " You gasped as you quickly shot up- Only to hit your noggin on the arm of the couch.

" (Y/N)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT? " Blue finally spoke up, hopping down from the entertainment center and trotting over to you. You were still for a moment before wiping away tears that had ever so graciously blessed you with their presence, forming in the corners of your eyes. Who cut the onions? I don't cry!

" Yuppers, don't worry Blue Bean, I'm A-ok! " Was your only response as you suddenly shot up, narrowly missing the arm of the couch again, and barrelled your way into your room, letting out a hoarse battle cry. " Scarf! Now please! "

You stopped in your tracks beside your bed, blinking in surprise as you saw Cherry nowhere. Was he hiding under your bed?(I accidentally wrote dying under your bed at first) Could he even fit under there with how many stuffed animals and junk you have shoved under it? Huh. Where could that rascal be?

" Oh, Cherry Berry.~ " You murmured in a sing song voice, walking over to your over crowded desk, glancing down at your old books as you ran your hand over them. It was quiet.

Too quiet.

You went to turn around to go check out your closet, but a force suddenly knocked into the back of your legs, making yourself fall forward onto your knees. What the f-

" You're not going outside (Y/n)! I won't let you! You could catch a cold- Or worse! " Cherry exclaimed, clinging onto your left leg with a death grip as you pulled yourself back onto your two feet. So he made me fall. Duly noted to watch out for red missiles in the future.

" Huh? Cherry? I have to go outside. I gotta get the mail my dude. " You said, letting out an airy laugh as you tried to shimmy your way back into the living room without knocking Cherry onto the floor. " C'mon bud, I won't even take five minutes! It's alright. " He didn't even budge.

You sighed, pulling yourself onto the couch beside Blue.

" Help meeee. " You muttered to Blue, looking over at him with puppy dog eyes. " I need to get the mail. " At that, Blue perked up. Literal stars formed in his eyes, and he stood up on the cushion. A look on his face told you one thing. He was planning something devious.

And then he came over and flopped onto your lap.



" Nooo..." You mumbled dramatically, pulling your legs up and onto the couch- Along with Cherry- And laid on your back. You just laid there for a small moment, letting out a quiet sigh. Blue and Cherry didn't seem to mind your new position though, Cherry still hugging onto your leg and Blue had tumbled onto your stomach in the action of laying down. After a few minutes of just laying there in silence, your eyes started to flutter a bit straining to keep them open. The reality of waking up so early finally setting in. Maybe you didn't have to do anything just yet...? It WAS only around eleven, maybe you could take a little nap? Doze off? Your thought process slowly shut down as your vision finally went blurry, dimming to black as you fell into unconsciousness.

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