Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Gossip and Girls

The rain pelted against the ground, failing to tear any of the packed dirt to make mud. Traffic coming through the city had slowed significantly, resulting in only walkers who had no shelter arriving.

While outside of the port, the cold wet drenched the bobbing ships in the harbor, inside the buildings were joyous events taking place. Taverns roared with glee, and shops with song, keeping the festival thriving. The city had turned into one great party for locals and visitors alike.

The loudest bunch was seated in the great hall, which was, to say, the biggest building in town. They took advantage of the space to hold a dance. Men and women gathered were clapping their hands and stomping their feet in time to local folk songs. Hundreds of people were crowded inside when Zoran, Brad, Samari, and Cyrus joined the fun.

They arrived late and dripping wet, yet no one paid their presentation any mind.

"We're gonna go dance. We will catch up with you later!" Brad said, pulling a confused water boy after him. He winked at Sam before disappearing into the crowd.

"I think there might be a fire where we can dry ourselves before joining in the festivities, " Zoran commented.

She rubbed her shivering arms, wishing she had a cloak. "A fire would be nice."

Nodding, he grabbed her hand, leading her around the dance floor. They headed to a glowing light in a side room where a fireplace was safely tucked away. The crowd became thinner in the room, and an arrangement of benches acted as a barricade between them and the fire.

The area seemed a sanctuary for ladies wanting a rest. Samari found it odd that the only people sitting there were four women sitting some distance apart from each other. Despite the sound of the music, she heard them chatting softly with each other.

Their gazes turned to the duo as they approached. A familiar Earthern lit up when at their appearance.

Walking to Zoran, she grabbed his hand in hers. "You did not tell me 'dat you 'ould be he'e today. Come 'ave a dance wit' an old friend," Jackie said, pulling him back into the dance hall.

Looking over his shoulder, he mouthed an apology to Samari.

She half-waved to him. A shiver ran down her spine, encouraging her to take a seat close to the fire. Her eyes drifted around, meeting those of the Skian girl sitting a corner to her bench. They smiled together as a silent greeting.

"Uh, she seemed in a steal him away. So-metimes, it feels like whenever, like whenever I go to a new place, everyone...I...know simply vanishes," Samari commented in an attempt to start a conversation.

"You too, huh?" the redhead asked.

Gleefully, she nodded, "It's not so bad, once your...nervousness wears off. Leaves a-n opportunity for adventure. Although, I don't th-think my butterflies will ever...settle," her teeth chattered as she spoke. She held out her hands to warm, rubbing them to promote blood flow. Her body relaxed as the heat soaked in.

After a bit of silence, she said, "I'm Samari."

"I'm Adeline. It's nice to meet you, Samari." The introduction seemed to clear the air of unfamiliarity, making room for comfort. 

"So, you got caught in the rain, too? Is it bad out right now?" 

"A bit. Might want t-to hold off on leaving...for now," the brunette recommended.

A snicker came from across the clearing, and she gazed at the girl who made the sound. Her hair was rather unusual, for it was blue on top and black underneath. It was hard to notice at first because she had a hood pulled over her head, hiding most of her face. 

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