Chapter 2 - The Meeting

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Foresta was waiting in the room when the door opens and people come in

The guy: you must be Foresta *extends his hand out* i am Jareath and the people with me are Lillian, Shang, Mulan, Maharet, Kaymen, Akasha, Marita, Marius, Kraven, and our boss Muhuluan.

Foresta: *shakes his hand* yes I am Foresta and it's nice to meet you all. Thank you for devoting your time to see me

Muhuluan: anytime dear. You got one hell of a life from before your were born and onward

Maharet: yes i hope you don't have no plans or anything today

Foresta: no i am free all day to whenever

Kaymen: good because this is gonna be a long session and meeting Ms. Zaina

Foresta: ok as long as i get answers i don't mind or don't care, you have my full attention and time.

Marius: good because your in for a very long evening Foresta

Lillian, Shang, Mulan, Akasha, Marius, Maharet, Kaymen, Marita, Muhulan, Jareath, and Kraven: they all lay out many many files and info that completly covered the whole damn big table

Foresta: Holly shit i say you guys were not Kidding damn all this info is about the life before i was created and onward.

Muhulan: yes that why we asked you those questions. I am afraid there is so much more that you must know my dear. Let's start

*the others both sit in the chairs and talk to Foresta about everything and explaining everything to her aswell.*

It was 10:00pm when the meeting was officially over and thank god Foresta had no school tomorrow or she be like a walking zombie at school.

*everyone shakes hands with Foresta and they say their goodbyes and they leave and so does Foresta. Foresta went home and up to bed and crashed immediately when she touched her bed*

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